All results / Stories / Noelle Nicolls

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By NOELLE NICOLLS Tribune Features Editor WHEN it comes to illegal immigration Branville McCartney, member of parliament for Bamboo Town, time and time again, proves himself to be a master at pandering, but last week he added a

Top 5 neutral paint colours

Top 5 neutral paint colours By Jennifer Bethel Director, Seaglass Interiors Ltd Do you ever stress about picking a paint color? Most women do. It's always a worry: Will it be too light, too dark? How will my furniture look with it? Will my husband and k

Popcaan makes Luna return

Popcaan makes Luna return Jamaican Dancehall artist Popcaan returned to the Bahamas earlier this month, two years after an unfortunate altercation left him behind bars in a Bahamian jail house. He performed his latest hits at the "Only Man She Want" con

Moral purity is the way

Holiness. Just mention the word and all sorts of mental images arise: Legalism, plainness, hardness, excesses, extremism and the list goes on and on. It's companion terms: moral purity and sanctification also conjure up some stereotypical mental pictures,

Pastors and politicians: 'My house shall be called a house of prayer'

By Dr. Albert S. Ferguson, J.P. Luke 19:45, 46 NKJV. Then He went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in it, saying to them, "It is written, 'My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.'" In th

The righteous forsaken

By Pastor Matthew Allen Psa.37:25. "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." The King James Version of the above passage of scripture is one of the most quoted among today's religious fol


By Rev Angela Palacious If we want our young people to trust us and follow our best examples, then we have to find a way to make a connection with them. Together, we can dream of a great future for our people, and work to accomplish and maintain it by th


By NOELLE NICOLLS Tribune Features Editor WHEN it comes to illegal immigration Branville McCartney, member of parliament for Bamboo Town, time and time again, proves himself to be a master at pandering, but last week he added a

Don't wait too long

By Angela Palacious This title is a quote from a friend who has cancer. I promised her that I would share her experience in order to help someone else. She waited too late to be honest with her physician about her condition, and now has to undergo chemot

Phobia in pets

Phobia in pets By Dr Basil Sands Fear and anxiety are normal responses to danger. When these defensive reactions are out of proportion with the active threat presented by the situation, it is called a phobia. Physical changes that accompany phobias may

Phobia in pets

Phobia in pets By Dr Basil Sands Fear and anxiety are normal responses to danger. When these defensive reactions are out of proportion with the active threat presented by the situation, it is called a phobia. Physical changes that accompany phobias may

Phobia in pets

Phobia in pets By Dr Basil Sands Fear and anxiety are normal responses to danger. When these defensive reactions are out of proportion with the active threat presented by the situation, it is called a phobia. Physical changes that accompany phobias may

A living sacrifice

By Angela Palacious "Therefore I urge view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship" Rom. 12:1 NIV. A sacrifice was an ancient solution to the problem of sin. Blood

A living sacrifice

By Angela Palacious "Therefore I urge view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship" Rom. 12:1 NIV. A sacrifice was an ancient solution to the problem of sin. Blood

In spite of

By pastor Matthew Allen In spite of what you are going through - set-backs, financial challenges, health issues, marital problems, grief in death, home foreclosure, job loss - it is imperative that you remain faithful to God and that which he has called

In spite of

By pastor Matthew Allen In spite of what you are going through - set-backs, financial challenges, health issues, marital problems, grief in death, home foreclosure, job loss - it is imperative that you remain faithful to God and that which he has called

Sound bites from girls-only talk

Sound bites from girls-only talk Below are highlights from student presentations delivered last week at the Doris Johnson Senior High School 'Chat Room for Girls'. Candice Strachan 12th Grade Student "Women voted for the first time on November 26, 1962

Sound bites from girls-only talk

Sound bites from girls-only talk Below are highlights from student presentations delivered last week at the Doris Johnson Senior High School 'Chat Room for Girls'. Candice Strachan 12th Grade Student "Women voted for the first time on November 26, 1962


By Rev Angela Palacious If we want our young people to trust us and follow our best examples, then we have to find a way to make a connection with them. Together, we can dream of a great future for our people, and work to accomplish and maintain it by th


By KEVIN EWING MANY folks are under the grand illusion that a winner is one who wins or achieves something first in order to be labelled or even considered a winner. Well, according to secular standards this is quite true. Howeve