

winifredforbes 9 years, 3 months ago

My Gibson is this why you were elected i hope the person that you represent read your article To see what a big mistake they made Bahamians are hurting living on beaches in old cars no job Can't buy food to feed their families and you sat down and wrote this garbage ,then put it in print for all to see what gets me is people actually like your comments if this is the type of leadership we have to look forward to then there's only one thing that's gonna happen . we're up the creek without a paddle When you deal with clowns you end up in a circus This country gone to sh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


winifredforbes 9 years, 3 months ago

Is this what EDUCATION does turn a grown man into a rambling fool Then there's no need for our youth to stay in school and parents
Spending their hard earned money . Oil is down so put vat on then person light will be turn of That's how BEC ( BRING EVERY CENT ) will save energy Are you stuck on stupid or what all i can say is the people in Freeport know just what to do VOTE THEM OUT


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