A superior health approach for life longevity

By the Bahamas

Association of


Chiropractic is a form of healthcare that is based on the understanding that good health is dependent on a normally functioning nervous system. We all know that your brain runs your body and how your brain communicates with your body is via your nervous system. The intelligence within your nervous system has all the information to heal your body and your spine is the portal on how your nervous system can get all of the life giving messages to your body. If there is spinal dysfunction, there will be in turn, a blockage of information and some area in the body will not be able to function at its best.

Since you are designed to feel only about 10 per cent of your body, some people will have symptoms to warn them of this and some will not.

This is the prime reason why health problems build up with out you realising it; symptoms will seem to come from out of the blue and you may wonder how you developed a health problem so quickly. Well, fact is you didn’t.

So each person’s choice in health is to choose between two different paradigms of health: a) Do they want to live their life making a judgement call on health care with only 10 per cent of their body’s information and only are concerned about their health when they have symptoms, or b) Do they want to work pro-actively and use natural approaches to take care of the 90 per cent they can’t feel and work to ensure that their bodies are functioning more efficiently thus preventing numerous health problems.

My opinion is that most people want good health but most do not realise that good health is much more than just feeling good.

Chiropractic allows people to examine their health from a holistic perspective. It allows them to know if their nervous system is feeding their bodies the way it is supposed to.

It allows them to look at different lifestyle changes they need to create to reduce the dysfunction that they create in their bodies.

Chiropractic care helps them to look at their nutrition, exercise, stretching, and provides a process to evaluate the stress levels in their life. It is a form of healthcare to show people how to live and be healthy in a proactive way.


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