Meditation: The One Not Chosen

By Rev Angela C

Bosfield Palacious

IN Acts 1:23-26, we read the story of the person selected to replace Judas Iscariot. There is Matthias, who is selected over one who went by three different names (Joseph or Barsabbas or Justus). We hear nothing more about either of them but we can ponder their situation all the same.

Both had the credentials needed for consideration: “It is necessary to choose one of the men who have been with us the whole time the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from John’s baptism to the time when Jesus was taken up from us. For one of these must become a witness with us of his resurrection.”

It could have gone either way when it comes to “paper qualifications”, so the casting of lots was the way the decision was made.

How do you think Joseph felt? Do you think he was willing to accept the fact that he needed to use his gifts as he had been before? Do you think he was able to celebrate with Matthias that the right one had been selected? How would you feel if it were you? How have you handled rejection or disappointment?

There are times when we may be relieved that we are not chosen. We may have had our name submitted against our will, or were reluctant to be thrust into such greatness of leadership in the first place. Sometimes, we are grateful to have been asked even though not selected, as it boosts our self-esteem to know that others think of us more highly than we think of ourselves.

Perhaps you are the person who was the last to be selected for every team. You may think of yourself as a loser who cannot do anything right. You may have been battered and bruised by life, especially if you have been abused by bullies who speak cruel words within earshot.

It is time for you to see yourself as God sees you. God has made you in the divine image. This means made to love, communicate, reason and to make wise choices. God has gifted you with some talents and abilities, and it is for you to work hard to discover what they are and use them. By finding your own flow, you give your best back to life.

In order not to define ourselves by our work, we have to be more grateful for who we are than what we do for a living. If we are unemployed, then we really have to know our worth and value is centred in belonging to God. Giving ourselves to whatever tasks present themselves with our whole heart helps us to be more fully alive.

Let us never forget that we are the one always chosen by God to be loved, to be redeemed to be made holy. We are chosen to be in the family of God. We are chosen to be a part of God’s larger plan. We have to trust that if the immediate plan does not work out in our favour, something else will surface if we wait upon the Lord.


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