New year...better you!

Health coach Ethan Quant, of Elite Wellness Solutions, has succeeded in his weight loss journey and now wants to share his methods with the Bahamas in an effort to foster a culture of wellness and conquer the obesity epidemic.

Firstly I want to tell you all Happy New Year! Congratulations, you made it to 2019 and you deserve to live your best life. I wish you all of the happiness and prosperity you can stand and I am sending strength and positivity your way.

Now we all know the ‘new year – new you’ wave that has hit and will continue to hit you in every way shape and form until the end of January. I know that it’s become such a cliché that many people don’t even bother to make New Year’s resolutions. But all of us at least one time or the other made a resolution to lose weight, or get healthy, or start exercising.

I know that it was something to do with health wellness and fitness, because it is something that we all seem to struggle with. At least I know I did for many years. While there may be many in the gym who roll their eyes at the droves of new members, I say if you are inspired by the freshness and possibilities of the new year, then go for it.

I simply want to share with you some tips that I used not to only win with my health wellness and fitness goals, but that I use in other areas of my life to stay on track. So make sure you stay current with my column so that we can stay consistent all year and smash your goals.

This is what I call “Yes, SIR” – you can use this and of course apply it to your health wellness and fitness goals, but you can also apply it to any other area of your life that you want to improve. ‘SIR’ is actually an acronym for ‘strategic, intentional and relentless’, and in my mind is the foundation for success.

Strategic – It’s important that you be strategic in your planning. We are all familiar with planning ad there are tons of books and tips on how to plan effectively, but being strategic in your planning puts a slightly different spin on it. See, when you are strategic in your planning you are just outlining what needs to be done you are also outlining how you are going to do it, who is going to provide assistance, when you are going to execute certain aspects of your plan the resources you currently have access to and those that you will need.

Intentional – Be intentional in your actions. Really everything that you do should be done with the sole purpose of getting you closer to your goals. If it is not going to move you forward then it should be removed from your life. It is so easy to get caught up with distractions and so this notion of intentional action is going to require focus. But just like everything in life, it becomes easier to pull off over time, simply because you realise that if it’s not getting you where you want to be then you’re really not missing anything.

Relentless – You are going to have to be relentless in your pursuit. This may be the single most important part of your process. The reason is because “life” happens and so easily we can get thrown off track, especially late in the year when we are less motivated. The key here is found in our daily routine, making those small changes that will add up over time. It’s about doing it even if you don’t feel like it. It’s about keeping on the path even if you hit obstacles and challenges. It’s about knowing you will eventually end up where you want to be if you just keep moving forward.

Yes SIR has helped me in so many ways and I encourage you to try this approach if you don’t want to end up like so many people who never stick to their new year’s resolution. So let’s get it and here is to the new year and a better you!

• If you need help navigating any part of your health, wellness and fitness process, you can contact Ethan Quant at ethan@elite-wellnesssolutions.com or on Instagram at @ethanquant.


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