We need ministry of natural resources, says MP Chipman


Centreville MP Reece Chipman.


CENTREVILLE MP Reece Chipman petitioned the House of Assembly yesterday to establish a Ministry of Natural Resources.

He also called for the enforcement of the law relating to the Sovereign Wealth Fund and its relatable purposes.

In a press release issued yesterday, the backbench MP highlighted the belief that utilising natural resources in the public interest can bring considerable wealth, job and food security, sustainable ecological development, as well as increased domestic and global business and innovations to the country.

“Today in accordance with Rule 54 of the House of Assembly, Centreville brings a petition on behalf of the Bahamian people to the House of Assembly. It has been decades since a petition has been filed in the House on behalf of the Bahamian people,” the statement read.

Mr Chipman, pictured below, said observers can’t find any evidence of sustainable extractions and consumptions, contract transparency, fair distribution, accurate revenue tracking and dependable record management in support thereof in the public interest.

“We cannot find any strong regulatory framework, or competent institutional bodies for heightened good governance to protect, preserve and transparently manage the country’s natural resources and related revenues in the public interest.”

The statement added: “We believe with a strong regulatory framework and transparent controls, the proceeds from the extractives sector will significantly aid in greater parity financially, socially and environmentally in the public interest.”

Mr Chipman said he abided by the rules and presented the House of Assembly clerk with the petition seven days prior to his presentation and also presented the clerk with the petition containing 25 signatures from citizens of The Bahamas.

“It’s been decades since a petition was brought to this House, so which party can boast true representation of our people, taxation but no representation leads to devaluation of who we are as Bahamians, and a deviation of generations. A sad state of affairs in Bahamian politics,” said the press release.


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 4 months ago

Someone please whisper into his ear that we overtaxed taxpayers need a smaller, not bigger, government. LMAO

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