Police officer in a coma after 'jumping from car'

FAMILY and close friends of a police officer who allegedly jumped from a moving vehicle this week have launched a GoFundMe page to assist with his medical expenses.

On Sunday, police officer Thomas Mario Hairston, 33, was admitted to hospital with significant head injuries after the reported incident. He is now in a coma.

In a statement released Monday, police said initial reports indicate that Hairston and a female companion were occupants of a grey Toyota that was travelling in the Joe Farrington Road area.

At some point, the victim, a front seat passenger, allegedly jumped from the vehicle following an argument, police reported.

He was taken to hospital by EMS personnel where he remains in critical condition.

According to relatives yesterday, due to the nature of his injuries, the 33-year-old now needs to be airlifted abroad to receive additional medical attention.

“The damage to his skull and brain resulted in a surgical procedure in Nassau, Bahamas on Monday December 19th, 2022,” a relative posted on the GoFundMe page.

“It has now been determined that further medical expertise is necessary for a better chance of saving his life.

“Most recently, Thomas Mario was given the go ahead to be treated at Jackson State Memorial in Miami, Florida. As he remains in a comatose state, he will need to be airlifted to the facility as soon as possible.”

The relative described the officer as a “well mannered” person who is full of life and said the family is doing everything in their power to save his life.

“Every moment is vital, and although Thomas Mario is stable, he is fighting for his life,” the family member said. “If you know Thomas Mario, you know him to be a pleasant, well mannered, highly intelligent, artistically talented young man, who is full of life, joy and kindness.

“We are trying to do everything possible to save his life, and if you too would like to assist the family financially with his medical expenses at this time, please donate.”

The GoFundMe account for Mr Hairston raised more than $3,000 up to press time yesterday.

Meanwhile, a 44-year-old woman is said to be assisting police with their investigation at last report.


carltonr61 1 year, 9 months ago

75% of men suffer this same abuse from women but there is always silence from men slow suicide by alcohol. 75% of Bahamian women are abusive.

Cobalt 1 year, 9 months ago

The Bible tells us that it is better to sleep on the roof than to share a house with a nagging wife.

ohdrap4 1 year, 9 months ago

i do agree that many women are abusive, but no one dares to say anything.

not only at a personal level, at a work level as well, like in education where principals hit teachers or even lock them in rooms.

it is a relic of a previously slave society.

themessenger 1 year, 9 months ago

What sort of feeble-minded excuse for a man could take something a woman said to him during an argument seriously enough to make him go count sand on the beach or throw himself out of a moving vehicle? If your relationship is that toxic LEAVE!! There are many more fish in the sea and crabbie round da pond.

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 9 months ago

well... the only person telling the tale is the woman. Suppose he was unconscious in the car and kicked out.... just saying..

Porcupine 1 year, 9 months ago

OK. I hadn't thought of that.

LastManStanding 1 year, 9 months ago

DV perpetrated by a female might sound jokey, but I know of women who will throw pots, pans, knives, and whatever else they can find at their husbands when they are ready. Nothing you can do in that situation other than leave, any attempt at self defense will probably land you in court.

It obviously had to have been something serious for him to jump out of a moving vehicle.

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