Man accused over failed murder bid


Tribune Court Reporter


A MAN was remanded to prison yesterday in connection with a failed murder attempt outside a bar on East Bay Street last week.

Donnovan Higgins, 25, represented by attorney K Melvern Munroe, faced Magistrate Samuel McKinney on a charge of attempted murder. Higgins also faced charges of possession of an unlicensed firearm and possession of ammunition.

At around 2am on December 17 outside “Papi’s Lounge” near the Esso Service Station on East Bay Street, it is reported that Archelous Thompson encountered two men fighting inside a car. When Mr Thompson attempted to intervene it is alleged that Higgins pulled out a gun and shot him in his neck.

The victim was successfully treated for his injuries at Princess Margaret Hospital.

It is further alleged that later that same day Higgins was found by police with an Austria Glock 40 pistol with the serial number erased. At the time of his arrest, it is also said that he had 17 live .40 calibre bullets.

While Higgins pleaded not guilty to the firearm and ammunition charges in court, he was not required to enter a plea for the attempted murder charge at this time. He was informed that the indictable charge would go to the Supreme Court by a voluntary bill of indictment (VBI).

The accused was also told that as all charges will be tried in the Supreme Court it is from that court that he had to apply for bail.

He was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Correctional Services. Before being taken into remand the accused was allowed a brief moment with his fiancée.

Higgins should get his VBI on February 21.

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