Customs staff promotions ‘in pipeline’

PIA GLOVER-ROLLE, Minister of State for the Public Service. (File photo)

PIA GLOVER-ROLLE, Minister of State for the Public Service. (File photo)


Tribune Chief Reporter


STATE Public Service Minister Pia Glover-Rolle confirmed yesterday that recommendations for the promotions of 203 Bahamas customs officers have been processed and more are in the pipeline.

She added that simultaneously officials were processing promotions, confirmations and reclassifications for other ministries and departments including the Ministry of Education and for immigration officers.

“As of yesterday the update is that we have processed 203 customs matters and more are in the pipeline,” she said yesterday before the parliamentary sitting.

 “...I’m very happy about that. There are more coming according to the permanent secretary of customs so that means that matter is ongoing.”

 She also said: “We’re processing promotions, reclassifications, confirmations, simultaneously for a number of government ministries and the work is going on. The work is going well and as I meet civil servants across the country in social circles they are very happy to be receiving their letters.

 “It was a customs promotional exercise but there are other exercises that are going on simultaneously. We continue with immigration, the Ministry of Education is another big one. Social services we’re looking at as well and the Ministry of the Public Service as well,” she said.

 Some people had already received confirmation letters, she said.

 Once the promotions, confirmations and reclassifications are complete, Mrs Glover Rolle said the flaws in the system will be remedied.

 “As we do the work we are analysing the flaws in the process. The flaws in the system that are making these processes so slow and we’re looking at ways in this new day reformation of the public service to fix these issues. So, after we get these promotions done and after we do these assessments we will see if we can find a better way to move processes forward through the public service.”


realfreethinker 2 years, 5 months ago

Man this new day group rolling in money. I thought the country was broke?

tribanon 2 years, 5 months ago

Wait until you see what's coming. LOL

moncurcool 2 years, 5 months ago

“As we do the work we are analysing the flaws in the process. The flaws in the system that are making these processes so slow and we’re looking at ways in this new day reformation of the public service to fix these issues. So, after we get these promotions done and after we do these assessments we will see if we can find a better way to move processes forward through the public service.”

What the...? Is she serious? We will do promotions through the flawed process and then we will fix the flaw after the promotion? And this is the new day reformation? WOW!

You cannot make this nonsense up.

We really need to have reporters stop putting mics in front of these brain dead politicians without challenging their statements.

LastManStanding 2 years, 5 months ago

Let me guess : we will have another news article describing how we need new taxes to keep the sinking ship afloat in a week, am I right?

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