Congratulations to the Allens

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I have been privileged to have known the Hon Algernon SPB Allen and his lovely wife, Dame Anita Allen, for all of their lives. They are both a few years older than myself, but I well remember them from the days when we were all at ‘the’ Government High School, then located at Poinciana Drive where the University of The Bahamas is now housed. It would appear that the ‘love affair’ began way back then.

A few years later they were married and have produced at least two children, both lawyers like their parents. Algernon Junior currently serves the nation as a magistrate. The daughter has been in the securities and financial services industry for many years, successfully. Last week the Allens celebrated 48 years of what Dame Anita implied were ‘good years’. This speaks volumes for Bulgie as a good husband and father. They have demonstrated what the Bahamian family used to be like and which will be emulated.

Bulgie, of course, entered front line politics way back in the 1960’s when he served as a campaign advisor and worker for the late Hon Sinclair Outten for what is now the St Barnabas constituency. Sinclair was successful. Years later, after he had departed from the PLP, Bulgie was elected as the MP for Marathon. He was appointed to several ministerial posts, inclusive of the Minister of Youth; Sports & Culture. I was privileged to work with him at the then Ministry of Social Development & Housing, at the behest of former Prime Minister, the Rt Hon Hubert A Ingraham.

Bolgie coined the phrases: little darlings and precious pearls. He was also instrumental in obtaining the then cabinet’s approval and funding for: Peace on the Streets and Operation Redemption, according to Pastor Dave Burrows of Bahamas Faith Missions. He excelled as a practitioner at the Criminal Bar and was, in my opinion, almost as smart as I would have demonstrated when he was my ‘rival’ at the Bar. The rivalry, if it could be called such, was always professional and respectful. Algernon also mentored outstanding practitioners like former Chief Magistrate Roger Gomez and Barry Sawyer, who both emerged from Bulgie’s chambers which are still around serving the people of The Bahamas.

His wife, of course, served as a Crown Counsel; an acting Magistrate; a Justice of the Supreme Court; Chief Justice; President of The Bahamas Court of Appeal and recently as Chairperson of The Bahamas Law Reform Commission. And so, I congratulate the Allen family and the whole clan, inclusive of the celebrated sister, Pauline, a former managing executive at The Bank of The Bahamas and other leading financial institutions.

Last, but not least, the Allen family has developed a vibrant real estate subdivision in the prime Coral Harbor region, which is bustling. As a former Minister with responsibility for Housing, Bulgie was instrumental within the Ingraham administration, of conceptualising and actually putting boots on the ground and shovels in the ground for the show case subdivision of Millennium Gardens. Both of the Allens have been honoured by successive administrations, but they have much more contributions to make to the advancement of our wonderful nation. May The Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you both and undergird the children. Selah.



September 4, 2022.


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