Doctors at PMH, where is your care?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I write this letter with a heavy heart as Iearn of the passing of my dear friend, Kenise Darville. She was a patient at Princess Margaret Hospital at the time of her passing on Thursday, January 19.

Just days earlier, she took to Facebook and posted a live video to make public her complaints about affairs at PMH. One of the things that stood out to me, was when she mentioned the cold and callous way a doctor communicated with her, after not hearing anything for days on end.

This is too often the story at PMH. Yes, we all know there are infrastructure issues, supplies shortages, bed shortages, and so on. But what is the reason for the lack of heart from doctors who are entrusted with our care?

Why has bedside manners apparently gone out of the window for some? This is an all too common theme at the nation’s public hospital.

Some doctors read prognosis without an inkling of compassion. Some look at you as if you are stupid when you ask questions about your own health. Others let the nurses do the hard work. In the case of Kenise, she said on her live stream that what really bothered her was how cold and casual the doctor was when communicating with her. She said it was a life and death situation and in this case, she has died and that is a real tragedy.

I had two cesarean sections in the past few years, and I went through the PMH experience as well. Fortunately for me, my daughter was delivered by a male, Dr. Sealy, and my son was delivered by a female, Dr. Sealy. Both had excellent bedside manners. Both were pleasant and communicated well.

But all too often, this is not the case. I recall a friend who got the diagnosis of cancer from a most uncaring physician.

We, as a nation have had major losses due to covid. Doctors, yes, you are tired. Yes, you have seen the worst of cases, but please remember your duty. Nurses, you too. Many of you have lost your touch. People are ill. If laughter is truly a medicine, then doctors and nurses need their bedside manner more than ever. Remember your oath, and remember to show love.



January 19, 2023


birdiestrachan 1 year, 6 months ago

There should be a full investigation of this matter , Kindness alone seems to be a thing of the past , My sympathy to all who loved her

Porcupine 1 year, 6 months ago

Sorry to say this, but we get what we pay for. Most doctors and nurses need to make a living too. Why would they stay in a place that pays them poorly? Let's look at this tragedy from both sides. There is a lot WE could do to improve this situation. We talk and talk and talk.

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