Fernander: Shooting victim ‘didn’t realise she was hit’

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander.

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander.


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander said the 27-year-old mother injured in a police-involved shooting on Sunday did not initially know she had been shot.

Police reported that shortly before noon on Sunday, officers were executing a search warrant on a home in Sunset Park. As they entered the property, they shot a pit bull that reportedly attempted to attack them.

During the incident, the woman, who police said frequented the property, was shot in her upper body.

A press release from police said the bullet ricocheted off the pit bull, but Commissioner Fernander said the shot went through the dog before striking the woman, who is in serious condition in hospital. 

“I had experts revisit the scene and what we discover in their findings is that after the bullet hit the dog it exited to the side, to the left side, and it went down into the ground on the concrete pavement,” he said yesterday. “And there are damages there that indicate that the bullet hit the concrete pavement. 

“The victim was not too far from that general area, and we suspect she didn't even realise that she was hit. It wasn't until some of the officers saw that she was bleeding and everybody in the yard say, ‘oh she was shot;’ she didn't even realise that she was shot.”

The commissioner wished the victim a “speedy recovery". He said police reached out to her family to update them.

However, he disputed their claim that she was breastfeeding when shot.

“There's a lot of talk that she may have been nursing a little infant. That is not so, and I always say don't listen to rumours, get the facts,” he said.

“You are investigators as well. Be very careful with that: Get the facts.”

Commissioner Fernander confirmed that body cameras captured the shooting.

On Tuesday, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe revealed that the government is seeking to buy 300 body cameras in view of the recent events. 

“In light of some recent events, we intend to expand body cameras as one was at the scene that evening,” he said. “We intend to acquire 300 more. We intend to continue to develop the real-time crime centre to be able to coordinate all of the efforts and technology that are being acquired.”


ThisIsOurs 1 year, 1 month ago

"we had experts revisit the scene and what we discover in their findings is that after the bullet hit the dog it exited to the side, to the left side, and it went down into the ground on the concrete pavement,” he said yesterday. “And there are damages there that..:

If this is true... we HAVE to do something with police intelligence gathering

From 2 days ago @ThisIsOurs comments: "Its likely one of multiple bullets fired ricocheted off of some hard surface near the dog. I thought police primary objective was de-escalation, but they literally went in and immediately started shooting up the place"

ThisIsOurs 1 year, 1 month ago

"she didn't even realise that she was hit."

This isnt something to be surprised at, its probably the body's natural adrenaline response, heard this over and over again

jus2cents 1 year, 1 month ago

Quote: "we """"suspect"""" she didn't even realise that she was hit." This means they don't actually know, so begs the question why speculate, & why don't they just tell us the truth?

Don't they know by now that mistruth's and assumptions make us not trust them.

Five days later & she is in serious condition in the hospital, I hope & pray she fully recovers, and also hope the police educate themselves on better ways to deal with aggressive dogs, so this sort of thing doesn't happen again.

jus2cents 1 year, 1 month ago

Get those body cameras ASAP!

TalRussell 1 year, 1 month ago

Boo, Commish, whats progress update shooting victim Pit Bull. – 'Aye.' 'Nay?'

rosiepi 1 year, 1 month ago

Before police enter a gated property shouldn’t they ascertain the situation first as a dog’s job is to protect their owner/home! These officers should be investigated and censured for killing the dog, and for discharging their weapons when citizens and/or children are present! This is madness!

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