Minister says minimum wage increase call ‘a little reckless’




Tribune Staff Reporter


LABOUR and Public Service Minister Pia Glover-Rolle said yesterday the government would not support another increase to the country’s minimum wage so soon after the last wage hike was introduced and believes calls from union leaders over the issue are “a little reckless”. 

Her comments came after Obie Ferguson, the Trades Union Congress (TUC) president, announced his union’s plans to lobby for another minimum wage increase.

Mr Ferguson said the union wants at least $350 per week and is prepared to “take a strike vote” as a means to pressure government and private employers over outstanding labour issues.

 Mrs Glover-Rolle said while the Davis administration is committed to introducing a liveable wage, it must ensure its decisions are balanced and data-driven.

 “I have no issues with increases,” she said yesterday, “but we just had a minimum wage increase of 23 percent and to suggest a 67 percent hike within two years of initial increase is a little reckless.

 “In particular, we have to consider that we’re moving from an informed place, which I would have stated before, this is consultation, this should be data driven and the consultations have to take place with a tripartite - yes, the employees and the unions, the government, but most importantly, the businesses. 

 “We don’t want to put companies in a position where we are imposing an increase that could essentially put companies out of business and thereby these same employees will be out of work so we have to make sure that we’re moving from a qualified and quantified data driven position of consultation.”

 She added: “So, while we initially gave a minimum wage increase that we said was the start and we are looking to move towards further increases, we have to ensure that we’re from an informed place. We have to ensure that we’re not disenfranchising any of our stakeholders.” 

 When asked if she plans to meet with union leaders on the issue, Mrs Glover-Rolle said she meets quite frequently with union leaders and had a discussion with Mr Ferguson Wednesday.

 “This wasn’t a part of the conversation,” she said of the meetings, “but we have an open line of communication – our prime minister, me as the minister of public service and labour and all of my Cabinet colleagues.”

 Calls for a new minimum wage come as many Bahamians grapple with the high cost of living compounded by inflation. 

 The Davis administration has said it’s exploring ways to ease the burden on Bahamians until the situation improves.


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