Dr Kent Bazard – Natural supplements in sports nutrition: Elevating athletic performance


Dr Kent Bazard

A growing trend in the realm of sports nutrition involves the use of natural supplements to boost athletic prowess naturally. In this article, we’ll explore the world of natural supplements, their potential benefits, and considerations for athletes aiming to optimize their performance the healthy way.

Understanding Natural Supplements

Natural supplements encompass a broad spectrum of substances derived from nature. These can include vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, and more. Unlike synthetic counterparts, natural supplements are sourced from real foods and plants, aligning with a holistic approach to nutrition.

The Benefits of Natural Supplements

1 Enhanced Recovery: Natural supplements like tart cherry extract and curcumin have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, aiding in post-workout recovery. Reduced inflammation means less downtime between intense training sessions.

2 Improved Endurance: Some supplements, such as beetroot juice and cordyceps mushrooms, have shown potential in boosting endurance and oxygen utilisation, crucial for endurance athletes.

3 Joint Health: Ingredients like collagen and glucosamine can support joint health, essential for athletes susceptible to wear and tear.

4 Mental Clarity: Natural supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, are known to support cognitive function, helping athletes stay sharp during competition.

The Importance of Quality and Safety

While natural supplements offer potential benefits, athletes must exercise caution. Not all supplements are created equal, and quality varies significantly among brands. Not only that, for many compounds, what is called the “therapeutic dosage”, meaning the daily amount necessary to most safely and effectively treat disease, is not known. Therefore manufacturers do not hold any liability for any adverse effects or reactions. Lastly, many products that are banned either during competition or at any time by the World Anti-Doping Agency. It’s vital to research thoroughly, consult with a sports nutrition specialist, and choose supplements certified for quality and safety.

The Role of a Sports Nutrition Specialist

Sports nutrition is a nuanced field and personalised guidance is invaluable. A qualified sports nutrition specialist can assess an athlete’s unique needs, tailor supplement recommendations, and monitor their impact on performance and overall health.


Natural supplements can be a valuable addition to an athlete’s nutrition regimen, providing a natural and safe way to enhance performance. However, their use should be approached with careful consideration and expert guidance. As athletes strive for excellence, the incorporation of natural supplements, in conjunction with a well-balanced diet, can help them achieve their athletic goals naturally and sustainably.

Dr. Kent Bazard, is a Bahamian Sports Medicine Physician, Sports Performance Coach Sports Nutrition Specialist, and Founder of Empire Sports Medicine. Our mission is to empower athletes to reach new heights while safeguarding their health and well-being. We understand the unique demands of sports activities, and we are dedicated to helping athletes prevent injuries, overcome challenges, optimise nutrition and performance.


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