Pintard: Stop doing business with gangsters

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard speaks in the House of Assembly. 
Photo: Dante Carrer

Opposition Leader Michael Pintard speaks in the House of Assembly. Photo: Dante Carrer


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard warned the Davis administration not to sign contracts with businesses owned by gangsters, saying this would threaten the government’s reputation.

During Wednesday’s debate in the House of Assembly on the Anti-Gang Bill 2024, he said a necessary approach to addressing crime involves the government setting a good example for the public.

Stressing that “the streets recognise and talk”, he said the government should not do business with people involved in “washing money”.

“When you’re on the stump or in the Parliament, you are talking about a certain standard that you wish to hold the nation up to,” he said.

 “You are recommending a kind of behaviour that you are recommending to our young people. You’re telling young people to get a good education in order to get a job so that you could make money and young people can see that there are a lot people in the community who didn’t get a good education, do not have a job, but still making plenty of money. And some of that money that they’re making is a result of entering into contractual arrangements with government.”

 Mr Pintard noted that Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness recently said his government would not give contracts to gangsters.

 This is not the first time an elected FNM official has made suggestions about whom the Davis administration is doing business.

 In February, former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis urged his successor to commit not to give criminals government contracts, saying: “I cannot go into any more detail because my life would be in danger.”

Mr Pintard added on Wednesday that no administration should conduct business with anyone involved in crime.

“Both the Free National Movement, the Progressive Liberal Party, all parties that hope to govern the country have to come to a point where it makes a determination that folks who are known to the police, where there are cold and hot cases, where their names are called and are on the file, that they cannot be seated at the table with a minister signing a significant contract,” Mr Pintard said.

He said the administration’s credibility is eroded when the government signs contracts with people involved in criminal activity.


sheeprunner12 3 months, 1 week ago

The New Day PLP will quickly point to Brent Symonette and recant the old story that Pop made his money from bootlegging

The PLP is shameless ........ They love gangsters

John 3 months, 1 week ago

You mean the lawyers too..? Look around the house then!

bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

The people voted against the numbers boys , sebas ,fox and flowers. The plp went against the voters for these guys.what does rhat say about everyone whom were in the plp at that time?

JohnDoes 3 months, 1 week ago

If its one entity that got the mighty slap on the wrist, it is indeed the number racket. Those guys are filthy rich and are so far gone from the problems our government and people have to deal with. They are embraced at every luncheon with the OPM and really be laughing in disbelief behind the scenes about how they even got there. Those guys are in the Mediterranean, Mexico, Miami in their multimillion dollar cars and private jets partying every other day to week, and the PLP let them go scott free to the point where the govt have to beg $$ from them in promise of crown land to build more of their super inflated establishments.

bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

What the hell is pintard talking about. Didnt pintard suggest ghat the government talk to gang leaders?

birdiestrachan 3 months, 1 week ago

I dare mr pintard and the doc to name the gangster business men people do change and chance now toggle and biggie what one took the fish to doc , it is said it Takes one to know one their problem is they see Bahamians as we can tell and sell them foolishness

birdiestrachan 3 months, 1 week ago

Washing money as he says is serious mr pintard and doc should take the matter to the police but Doc there was OBAN the press was called to watch a signature being forged that was bold with no regard for the law

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 1 week ago

The police surely know if anyone is washing money. They know exactly where they are and how they operate.

ExposedU2C 3 months ago

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Porcupine 3 months ago

Sometimes I wonder if the whole country of The Bahamas itself should not be classified as a gang. It's very hard to read this newspaper everyday and not have some concern. Far more Bahamians have left these shores, never to return, than live here now. Yes? Why didn't they return? No idea, huh? Just like we can't figure out why crime is a problem? I guess that's why so many turn to their god. Last hope for those who have no answers.

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