
4 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 6 months ago on Renward Wells: Why I signed letter of intent

Let me see, I am going to have a contractor come over to have a look at my site and give me an estimate. He says he'll do it for free. Do I then sign a LOI with him for 600 million dollars just to get a free estimate?

This is what Mr. Wells and our PLP government would like us to believe happened. For an engineer, Mr. Wells seems extremely stupid -- for expecting us to believe this nonsense and for believing his PLP plas wouldn't hang him out to dry.

4 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 6 months ago on Hotel union votes in favour of strike

Personally, I'd love to see the "mandatory gratuity" (a real ocymoron for real morons) done away with. Let the union nrgotiate proper wages for the workers so that tips are not figured into the equation, and basing them on a higher government-mandated minimum wage.

Let employees EARN their tips instead of them being mandatory handouts. This way, there is more motivation to provide good service. And having lost our prime spot in being #1 in tourism -- largely because of high costs and lousy service, we can't afford not to improve in this regard. Doing away with "mandatory gratuities" would be a good start.

I happily tip for good service, and tip the waitstaff/housekeeper/etc. directly as I never know if they actually see the 15% gratuity. Many whom I've asked either say "no" or give an awkward shrug. Let tipping be a reward for good sevice, not something for nothing.

Unions do little for their members as it is, and often make employers less inclined to work with them because of the entrenched "what's in it for me" entitlement attitude that comes with it. If the union was really wanting to protect their workers, they'd be howling to government to raise the miniumum wage to a livable standard instead of posturing and whining. .

2 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 5 months ago on Crisis Centre speaks out on probation bid for sex offender

This man should not be allowed to be on probation. Nothing less than a full jail sentence is acceptable for his crime of preying on a young girl. This was not once -- he molested this young girl for several years, and as such, should be serving 5-10 for EACH occurence of this abuse. He does not belong on the streets where he would be free to molest and rape other young innocent children.

His lawyer should know better. Perhaps he would be comfortable having his convicted client babysit his 10 year old daughter, but I sure as hell wouldn't!

3 Vote

Economist 9 years, 5 months ago on Commission asks Bahamas government to act on mistreatment claims

We are an independent nation. Independent nations have to comply with international rules, it goes with being independent.

The IMF told us to introduces VAT, so we complied. The international community told us to change our banking system in the early 2000"s, so we complied. The WTO said that we could no longer have the advantages under LOME and that we had to enter into a new agreement with Europe, the EPA, so we complied. The US said that we had to agree to FATCA, so we complied.

They are telling us to fix the detention center, so get on with it and comply.

Being big or small has noting to do with anything. We wanted independence and it comes with rules. Get on with it.

2 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 5 months ago on Commission asks Bahamas government to act on mistreatment claims

Well said, Economist! People want all the freedom, and flag-waving patriotic stuff, but don't want the responsibility that comes with being independent.

And Birdie, if I actually thought the government would use my money to make the lives of those in the detention center better, I would happiliy donate -- just as I do to several well-known (and accountable) Bahamian charites. Unfortunately, our current governement believes it is totally unaccountable to the Bahamian people on so many matters. The current government spends far too much with far too little accountablility. Flyaway Fred's travel budget alone would no doubt go a long way to fixing the problem.

5 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 1 month ago on Mitchell: PLP deserves second term in office

To Mr. Mitchell and the rest of the delusional PLP clowns -- two words: Hell, NO!

This country cannot survive another term of PLP incompetence, theft, greed, disillusionment, and lies.

4 Vote

DillyTree 9 years, 1 month ago on MP cites poor leadership as the reason

At least one of them is seeing sense. Now the rest of the PLP should be impeached for corruption, lack of transparency, incompetence and poor governance. The Bahamas cannot survive until 2017 with this corrupt and ineffective government.

3 Vote

ObserverOfChaos 8 years, 10 months ago on PM to meet with Sarkis on Monday

Lets hope Sarkis kicks the SOB in the teeth and tells him to F*** himself....he started all this mess by sticking his fat nose into something he had no business getting involved with...now Bahamians are paying the price by not having working jobs!....Let Christie drown in his own pit of stupidity....This is just another ploy by his highness Christie to try and convince Bahamians he's "doing something for them"....all positioning.... period!

8 Vote

DillyTree 8 years, 9 months ago on ‘Tasteless’ painting comparing PM to Hitler causes a stir

I thought journalism was meant to be unbiased, so I am very disappointed with The Tribune's headline of "Tasteless".


Bitter pills are hard to swallow, but Mr. Mackey has courageously depicted what many Bahamians are thinking and feeling. Kudos to you, Mr. Mackey.

Now maybe we can start to have a conversation about this like grown-ups and really hold Mr. Christie and the PLP's feet to the fire and start demanding answers for the dictatorship and failed leadership they have given the long-suffering people of the Bahamas. We deserve better, but unless we speak up, we will have the same lies and half-truths spoon fed to us for years to come.

5 Vote

DillyTree 8 years, 6 months ago on Residents praise NHI registration process

This only shows how many desperate and gullible people there are out there, led on and deceived by a government who doesn't give a damn about their health -- just their votes.

4 Vote

DillyTree 8 years, 6 months ago on MP reacts to senator’s criticism of colleague

ThisIsOurs, when was the last time you heard anyone talk about PGC's or Brave's stylists? Or how they wore their suits? Why are women held to a very different standard than men -- especially when it comes to politics?

Loretta isn't fostering anything -- other than trying to help those of her constituency who have been ravaged by Hurricane Joaquin. She has not declared herself as a contender to Minnis. In fact, she is hesitant to put herself and her family through all the hassle and dirty dealings. If her supporters are the ones calling for her to run for leadership, how is she "fostering" anything?

3 Vote

MonkeeDoo 8 years, 4 months ago on Save the Bays welcomes FBI probe

WE MUST HAVE A COMMISSION OF ENQUIRY AND AN FNM CONVENTION FOLLOWED BY A PLP FUNERAL Time ain't long as it was and bullfrog ain't got no wing !