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IAN FERGUSON: Broaden your horizons with conference travel

Post-COVID businesses are understanding now, more than ever, the power and impact of the shrinking corporate village.

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IAN FERGUSON: How you can procure improved cost savings

Every business providing goods and services must pay close attention to the sourcing of materials needed in the business process.

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IAN FERGUSON: How companies can get into the Christmas spirit

Christmas is finally and officially here. A time of joy, celebration, food and festivities. The most effective and successful companies are continually finding ways to give back through corporate social responsibility as well as spreading Christmas cheer to employees. This week’s column focuses on some last-minute suggestions for how small businesses can participate in the holiday spirit.

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IAN FERGUSON: Proper research vital to a competitive edge

In business, knowledge is power. The ability to make informed decisions is crucial for any company’s success and growth. To achieve this, businesses rely on research.

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Bahamas' financial services sector 'world class' ahead of FATF assessment

PRIME Minister Philip Davis trumpeted The Bahamas’ “world-class” financial services sector as the country prepares for another mutual evaluation assessment by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) “on the horizon”.

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Private sector must play its part over education

Today marks the end of another school year. Most educational institutions in The Bahamas would likely describe it as a challenging but successful period. We know, and research bears this out, that quality education systems are those where students, parents, teachers and the administrative system work together in ensuring that no child is left behind.

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IAN FERGUSON: How to build capacity for a thriving business

Sustainability in this day and age refers to a company’s ability to consistently build capacity in its employees, processes and operations.


Writ rules not being followed

As the “rookie” member of the Opposition in the House of Assembly, I was still appointed Leader of Opposition Business under the first session of Parliament after the 2021 general elections.

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IAN FERGUSON: Model Bahamian business that is a corporate ‘beacon’

As we approach the much-anticipated 50th anniversary of our nation’s independence, I pause to reflect on a model Bahamian business that has become a mainstay and beacon within our private sector.

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IAN FERGUSON: Stay at home or go to work?

As we approach the much-anticipated 50th anniversary of our nation’s independence, I pause to reflect on a model Bahamian business that has become a mainstay and beacon within our private sector.

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IAN FERGUSON: Private sector must help to improve food security

Food security and sustained agricultural production are ongoing conversations that developing countries are having more frequently as we face the mounting challenges of war, drought and famine. The Bahamas, given its vulnerable position as an estimated $1bn per year food importer, must seriously engage in this conversation.

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IAN FERGUSON: Companies and Gov'ts must sometimes reset

Staying ahead of the game has never been so important. Businesses need to make sure they are questioning all those things they do out of ingrained habit versus what customers and shareholders have come to expect and feel comfortable with. Once you have identified things that are not working, leaders must have the courage to stop doing them and change course.

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ONE ELEUTHERA FOUNDATION: Unlocking the power of corporate social responsibility

IN today’s interconnected world, companies are increasingly expected to be socially responsible and accountable for how their practices impact society and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the concept that a business is responsible for more than just creating value and wealth for shareholders but should also seek to benefit the broader community in which it exists.

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STATESIDE: Challenges facing Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy

A pundit was thus discussing the third person in the presidential succession in the United States today, the speaker of the House of Representatives, the honourable Kevin McCarthy, Republican congressman from California.

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IAN FERGUSON: How to avoid strife over family-owned businesses

Many micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in The Bahamas are family-owned sole proprietorships or husband and wife partnerships. There are MSMEs that are quite small, operating in a ‘Mom and Pop’ type fashion, but there are others who have navigated the landscape well enough to grow and expand.

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Tennis juniors shine in college showcase

COACH Philip Major Jr said he was more than impressed with the performance level of the seven Bahamian junior tennis players who participated in the college showcase held last week in Maples, Florida.

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Christian Council shows up at ‘LGBT’ lecture it opposed

ALL was calm when a sociologist delivered a lecture at a University of The Bahamas LGBT-related forum yesterday until officials opened the floor for questions and answers.


Illegality of abortion is dangerous

Some 85 years ago, a doctor in England examined a 14-year-old girl and determined that she was sufficiently developed physically to carry her pregnancy to term.

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IAN FERGUSON: How to bridge the divide between work and school and SCJ

The concept of businesses working with schools is certainly not new. Many have reached out through public and private sector-organised initiatives to engage students more meaningfully in the world of enterprise.

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Advertorial: Why life insurance matters in The Bahamas

Many people in The Bahamas would never think to exclude insuring their most valuable possessions. With a climate that is susceptible to hurricanes, most people’s homes are insured.