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PM: CANCEL PETTY’S DAUGHTER’S WSC DEAL – Davis suggests contract should have ended when relationship was revealed

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis suggested that the Water and Sewerage Corporation contract Sylvanus Petty’s daughter received should have been cancelled when the relationship between the father and daughter became known.


Experts: We need healthier soil to bolster nation’s food security

UNIVERSITY of The Bahamas researchers said the country must improve soil health to achieve food security and strengthen its agricultural sector.

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BPL hits back at Bannister’s comments

BAHAMAS Power and Light’s CEO Shevonn Cambridge hit back at former Works Minister Desmond Bannister Tuesday, saying it was disingenuous of him to suggest that the workers maintaining BPL’s Wartsila engines are “unqualified.”


Minister travel

Yes, Ministers have to travel especially the Foreign Minister, his/her title is obvious ‘Foreign Minister’, but every trip needs to be evaluated as to its success and re-appraisement as to future travel to a similar event must be taken. How large was the delegation going to the Coronation and other meets in London recently?

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FNM: PM flip flops over marital rape

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard labelled Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis a “serial flip-flopper” for suggesting that criminalising marital rape is not a priority because it was not mentioned in his party’s pre-election manifesto, “Blueprint for Change”.

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WSC worker denies being coerced to testify against Gibson

A SENIOR employee at the Water and Sewerage Corporation denied a defence attorney’s suggestion yesterday that she was coerced into giving evidence against Adrian Gibson and his co-accused to avoid being charged in the case.


Focus on fixing potholes

I would be grateful if I might pass a little suggestion on to Minister Sweeting to say that although $98,000,000.00 is an impressive amount of money, we don’t need to repave all of the roads in New Providence, but we do need to repair the 98,000,000 pot holes that are in those roads.


EDITORIAL: What was said, and what was not said

WHEN Parliament was prorogued, it came as something of a surprise.

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Woman cries while testifying that bus driver sexually assaulted her

A YOUNG woman cried while testifying about how a bus driver allegedly threatened her with a hammer, dragged her back into a bus and sexually assaulted her outside the Mall at Marathon in 2021.

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INSIGHT: Sound policy decisions over soundbites to tackle crime

A RECENT spate of shocking crimes – including sex attacks against elderly women – has prompted some familiar talk. We must be tougher on crime, tougher on criminals. Perhaps so – but in our reaction, we appear to be falling into an old trap of seeking to carry out action, any action, without regard to whether or not it really works.


Receipt of money paid to local govt investigated

NORTH Andros Island Administrator Beverley Laramore said she is investigating after a receipt suggested the North Andros District Council was paid to clean up a beach after a party over the weekend.


EDITORIAL: International claims deserve serious examination

INTERNATIONAL news has been coming to the doorstep of The Bahamas in recent times – and not in a good way.


EDITORIAL: Awards for arrests is misguided

IT is interesting to see National Security Minister Wayne Munroe leap to the defence of a Royal Bahamas Police Force scheme he previously dismissed as fake news when asked about it by The Tribune.

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Gov’t ‘disagrees’ on IMF’s ‘top 10%’ income taxation

THE Government “disagrees” with the IMF’s assertion that it must introduce a personal income tax targeting “the top 10 percent of earners” and other reforms to hit its 25 percent revenue-to-GDP goal.


No room for political censorship

There is no room for political censorship in our Commonwealth! At the heart of our democracy lies a fundamental principle: the unalienable right of the press to operate freely. As a student of journalism, I find the Prime Minister’s recent remarks, suggesting that media should avoid front-page coverage of crime to protect tourism, not just troubling but fundamentally flawed.


Bet on web shops

I am by no means a proponent of our web shops and more so, how they came to legitimacy following a plebiscite which clearly said the Bahamian people were against them being legitimised.

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Rolle denies he strangled elderly American woman in Cat Island

RODRIGO Rolle denied strangling an elderly American woman during a 2017 home invasion in Cat Island as his murder trial resumed yesterday.

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Witness in Gibson trial claims she ‘cried out’ over abuse while at WSC

A WITNESS in Adrian Gibson’s criminal trial claimed she suffered abuse when she headed the health and safety department at the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC), prompting her to ask the former chairman to relieve her of the post.

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Crisis centre director says rape law inadequate

DAYS after Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis suggested current laws provide solutions for victims of marital rape, Bahamas Crisis Centre Director Sandra Dean-Patterson said the laws are inadequate.

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Opposition alarm on S&P’s three times’ higher deficit

The Opposition’s finance spokesman yesterday voiced alarm over Standard & Poor’s (S&P) prediction that the fiscal deficit for the 2023-2024 Budget year will come in more than three times’ higher than the Government’s forecast at $466m.