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PETER YOUNG: Tumultuous year and passing of a statesman

SINCE this column is mainly about international affairs, it might be appropriate at the beginning of January to attempt a brief broad brush review of the year and offer some thoughts about the coming months in what has become a crisis-ridden world. But I fear that in today’s state of febrile uncertainty it would be hazardous to try to predict even the immediate future.


Reverend Bertha Mae Saunders

Memorial Service for Reverend Bertha Mae Saunders, 72 years of #73 Everglade Street, Twynam Heights and formerly of Alice Town, Bimini, who died at her residence on Wednesday, 8th January, 2020, will be held at Southwest Cathedral Church of God, …


Gov’t crackdown on 20-25% uninsured motorists is urged

The Government was yesterday urged to crack down on the 20-25 per cent of Bahamian motorists who are uninsured, given the increasing frequency of traffic accidents where victims have no compensation recourse.

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Equality Bahamas says minister must go over comments

ANOTHER activist group is calling for the resignation of Minister of Social Services and Urban Development Lanisha Rolle over her controversial comments on marital rape.

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A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: Give us a sporting chance for more golden moments

The entire Bahamas paused on Monday night to cheer on our nation’s golden superwoman Shaunae Miller as she ran and captured the gold medal in the 400 metres final at the Games of the 31st Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

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‘We’ll help - but don’t try to land’: Govt signals it won’t allow cruise ships to send anyone here

THE Bahamas government signalled yesterday that it will not accept people infected with COVID-19 from ships stranded in Bahamian waters despite a US Coast Guard bulletin that foreign-flagged vessels should seek help from countries in which they are registered.

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'Ace' plays high stakes card in tribute to his old friend

Broadcaster Anthony “Ace” Newbold pulled no punches as he paid tribute last week to Edmund Spencer Moxey, his friend of 30 years, whose dream for his people was cruelly smashed by his political colleagues in 1987.


Ed Bethel

And then there were three. On Monday, March 13, the media profession in The Bahamas lost a giant of a journalist and broadcaster, Mr Ed Bethel.

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Executives evaluate site of beach soccer facility

FIFA, Beach Soccer Worldwide and Bahamas Football Association executives conducted a site visit this week to evaluate the Bahamas’ progress toward major beach soccer events.

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Turnquest and Anand finish 2nd in their divisions at the 30th Caribbean Junior Golf Championships

TEAM Bahamas produced a pair of top three finishers against elite junior golf talent in the region at the 30th edition of the Caribbean Amateur Junior Golf Championships.The team concluded the final round yesterday following the three-day competition

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High blood pressure linked to sexual dysfunction in women and men

It is well-known that uncontrolled elevated blood pressure can lead to erectile dysfunction in men. It is relatively common for the first symptom of new onset or known poorly controlled hypertension to be poor quality erections.


Anthony Newbold's words prick consciences

AS ANTHONY “Ace” Newbold took his place at the lectern of Holy Trinity parish church on Friday, he looked down on the draped coffin of his friend of 30 years, then donned the mantle of a Marc Antony come to bury his Caesar. This Bahamian Anthony, like that Roman Antony, and his Caesar, was determined not to let the good that Edmund Spencer Moxey, 80, had done for his people be interred with his bones.

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Non stop party as 100 Jamz celebrates 20 years

CALL IT a party or an anniversary, either way, the talk of the town as the holiday weekend approaches is 100 Jamz and its 20th anniversary.


Bridging digital divide in world's new reality

In an address to the nation on COVID-19, the Prime Minister said: “Innovation and trying new things are an essential part of what we must do at this time.” This statement was followed by Dr Hubert Minnis encouraging Bahamians to continue creating mor


Browne and Mottley: Shapers of the regional future

PRIME Ministers Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and Mia Mottley of Barbados are two of the Caribbean’s young and dynamic leaders, both workaholics with clear and determined visions for the betterment of their countries. Each of them is a committed regionalist, notwithstanding insinuations to the contrary in sections of the regional media.


The day Ed Moxey’s ‘vexation was yucked up’

THERE was much discomfort in the official pews at the state funeral on Friday of Edmund Spencer Moxey when Anthony “Ace” Newbold recalled with sarcasm how “our leaders said Edmund was ambitious and had to be stopped and punished – and so they did… and our leaders were all honourable men.”

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PM pays tribute to Edmund Moxey

THE late Edmund Moxey espoused ideas and introduced projects that historians will come to view as being way ahead of their time, Prime Minister Perry Christie said during the state funeral for one of the Bahamas cultural icons at the Parish Church of the Most Holy Trinity on Stapleton Gardens yesterday.

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‘Ride For Reine’ Trail-a-thon a success

TWENTY young riders mounted up and hit the trails with enthusiasm this past Sunday as a part of the “Ride For Reine” Trail-a-thon to raise funds on behalf of Reine Pagliaro.