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Changes to VAT and healthcare

Please allow me space to touch on the upcoming changes to VAT payments as it relates to health/medical insurances.

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Minnis: Gov’t is ‘penny wise, pound foolish’ on health VAT

An ex-prime minister yesterday accused the Government of being “penny wise and pound foolish” over the imminent change in VAT treatment of health insurance claims payments.

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Public clinics to go cashless, says minister

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville announced the ministry’s plans to create a cashless system at public clinics.

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Bad Santa


THE mother of all consumer battles is over, and Apple is one of the winners. Americans shopped online for a record $11bn on Cyber Monday, and AirPods and MacBooks were very popular.

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Men’s national beach soccer team set for CAC Sea and Beach Games

WINNER of the Bahamas Football Association’s Beach Soccer Cup in October, the Bahamas men’s national beach soccer team is headed to Santa Marta, Colombia, to compete in the Juegos Centroamericanos y Del Caribe Mar Y Playa (Central American and Caribbean Sea and Beach Games) November 19-26.

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FACE TO FACE: Success and challenges for two pharmacy industry forerunners

TWO phenomenal women, both forerunners in the Pharmacy industry in the Bahamas, shared their stories with me this week. We spoke of their journey to success, and the challenges along the way, including the most recent hurdle, which led them to join with pharmacists throughout the country for a shocking one-day closure of pharmacies.

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Minister pledges to seek ‘common ground’ on NHI

The minister of health has pledged to seek “common ground” with Bahamian private doctors who have urged the Government to “hit the pause button” over its proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) reforms.


Doctors urge Gov’t: ‘Hit pause button’ over NHI

Bahamian doctors yesterday urged the Government to “hit the pause button” over its proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) reforms, warning they “cannot support the Bill” tabled in the House of Assembly as is.

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‘Don’t crash private’ healthcare with NHI

A prominent doctor has warned the Government that its proposed National Health Insurance (NHI) reforms must not “crash private healthcare” and suffocate the “innovation and investment” that drives improved medical care.

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Private sector credit shrank 20% pts of GDP pre-COVID

The Bahamas’ low pre-COVID economic growth coincided with bank credit to the private sector contracting by the equivalent of 20 percentage points of GDP, an international rating agency has revealed.

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‘Devil in the detail’ over NHI reforms

Doctors and private health insurers yesterday appeared to be caught off-guard by the Government’s tabling of National Health Insurance (NHI) reforms in the House of Assembly, with one saying: “The devil’s in the details.”

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Darville tables new NHI Bill in Parliament

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville yesterday tabled the new National Health Insurance Bill 2022, which once passed will repeal the NHI legislation of 2016.

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Jones and Sun lose, Sky even series 1-1

Jonquel scores game-high 23 points

Jonquel Jones and the Connecticut Sun will head back to the friendly confines of the Mohegan Sun Arena with home court advantage and their WNBA Semifinals series with the Chicago Sky tied at 1-1.


Ingraham’s continued distractions

On the 30th anniversary of the Free National Movement’s 1992 election victory, Hubert Ingraham took the opportunity to double down on some of the organisation’s foundational and self-justifying myths. Having spent years close enough to the bosom of Mr Ingraham’s party, I have heard all of these narratives repeatedly. They do not withstand serious scrutiny.

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A drop in the ocean of our sunken treasures

The Treasure hunter salvaging the wreck of a sunken Spanish Galleon is set to open their museum on Monday, showcasing what they have found in Bahamian waters to date.

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Doctors enjoys up to 40% non-COVID revenue rise

Doctors Hospital plans to unveil its new Bay Street pharmacy within 30 days, a top executive revealed yesterday, with monthly non-COVID revenues up to 40 percent higher than pre-pandemic comparatives.

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FOCOL: ‘All resources we have’ to oil spill fight

FOCOL Holdings’ chairman yesterday pledged it was “deploying every resource we have” to clean-up the 30,000 gallon Exuma oil spill, and said: “We’ll do whatever’s necessary to stop it happening again.”


Carbon trading

Carbon pricing and countries that are trading we, Bahamas, will be the last of the current list that includes Argentina, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, EU (27 countries), Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Swede, UK and Ukraine... the spin Drs of OPM best you Google before writing speeches of Ministers because you are making them look stupid… there are 220,000 cell phones and as quickly as a minister says ‘X’ or ‘Y’ we people are checking.

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Govt still working on $10m catastrophic care fund

THE Davis administration is still working out the logistics of how it will administer the $10m allocated for catastrophic healthcare in the country, Health and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville said yesterday.

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After Shock Amateur Boxing Show in honour of Ray Minus Jr

ROYCE Colebrooke, Devaughn Musgrove, Christian Thompson and John Saint Wrint were among some of the top performers on Saturday at the After Shock Amateur Boxing Show that was held in honour of Ray Minus Jr.