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BFSB targets next generation progress

The Bahamas Financial Services Board (BFSB) is preparing to launch its latest human capital development initiative - The Bahamas Millennials Society, a networking and mentoring club of financial services industry ‘millennial’ workers.

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Sears: Much defensiveness in Bahamas over slavery damage

DEFENSIVE reactions against the concept of slavery compensation belies the psychological legacy of systemic oppression, said former education minister Alfred Sears.

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From Bethlehem to Bahamas

It was exactly 40 years ago that the clear indication was given to Members of Parliament sitting in the House of Assembly that the matter of independence for the Bahamas was a settled issue.

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Attorney 'stranglehold' blocks land development

Land development in the Bahamas is being impeded by an attorney-imposed “stranglehold”, the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation’s (BCCEC) chairman yesterday adding his voice to those calling for a formal property title system.

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Roberts: no basis for claims of victimisation

PLP chairman Bradley Roberts said that with the North Abaco by-election results certified, it is now clear that the “scurrilous and reckless” claims by the FNM of victimisation spurring low voter turnout were without basis.

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Al Jarrett dies, aged 69

RETIED banker, economist and patriot Alfred Jarrett, pictured, died early yesterday morning after a massive heart attack.

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Dental X-Rays and Brain Tumors

A tumor is an abnormal growth of body tissue. It can be cancerous, noncancerous, precancerous or may have no cancerous potential at all. A brain tumor, in particular, is an abnormal growth of tissue inside the cranium or inside the central spinal canal. The cranium is a skull without the mandible (lower jaw bone).

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Call for government to come clean on oil

AS THE expiration of Bahamas Petroleum Company's permits to drill for oil in the Bahamas draws near, the DNA is again calling on the government to come clean on the future of the deal.


Sell ZNS now

Sell ZNS now THE time has come. There have been recent press reports about the tens of millions of dollars that the Bahamian people have been losing on their investment in ZNS. I am convinced that if the people, who pay for all these losses, were asked w
