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WORLD VIEW: COP-27 failing before it begins

THE most ominous sign of what the forthcoming COP-27 meeting on climate change portends for small states is that officials from a Group of 20 (G20) major economies, who met on August 31, failed to agree a joint statement at the conclusion of the meeting.

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WORLD VIEW: Peru troubles highlighting unease across South America

MANY countries in South America are now in a state of troubling unease. Recent events in Peru have catapulted it to the forefront of security concerns in all its dimensions. But worry also exists about other countries which are tiptoeing through political minefields that could explode overnight.

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WORLD VIEW: Being homosexual is not a crime - Pope Francis

“BEING homosexual is not a crime. We are all children of God, and God loves us as we are and for the strength that each of us fights for our dignity.” Those words were spoken by Pope Francis, easily the most radical pontiff that the Roman Catholic Church has ever had.

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Henfield Basketball Shooting Academy takes it to ‘The Lab’

IT’S called “The Lab,” where coach and mentor Marvin Hen eld has created his home for the Marvin Hen eld Basketball Shooting Academy for basketball players who have been marginalised because of their shooting abilities.

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WORLD VIEW: End sexual violence against women for the sake of all mankind

RAPE, and other forms of sexual violence against women in war and conflict, represent one of the great silences and suppressed issues in modern-day history.

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WORLD VIEW: Can political parties agree social contract for national progress?

AUTHORITATIVE international bodies – among them, the respected Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) – have concluded that “democracy is under both literal and figurative assault around the world.” The countries of the Caribbean have not been exempted from this judgement which is based on more than a decade of studies.

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WORLD VIEW: Development crisis threatens small states

“THE world is facing a crisis of development.” Those are the first words of a paper from officials of the World Bank Group (WBG), setting out a proposed roadmap for “urgent action” to tackle the “growing crisis of poverty and economic distress, and global challenges, including climate change, pandemic risks, and rising fragility and conflict”.

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WORLD VIEW: Decimation of vulnerable nations inevitable if global warming continues on present trend

JOHN Kerry, former US Secretary of State and current US Special Envoy on Climate Change matters, told the world’s Ambassadors at a meeting in Washington, on May 10, that “there is no way” of keeping the rise in global temperatures to 1.5 degrees Celsius unless CO2 emissions are drastically reduced.

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WORLD VIEW: It’s time the UN Security Council acts to stop the killing in Gaza

THE escalation of violence in Gaza by Israel has prompted a global outcry, marking a rising disgust, particularly among the young, of what is widely regarded as a hugely disproportionate response to the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.


MARKETING REVOLUTION: Establishing your company's domain

Most people understand that a ‘Domain Name’ is simply the basic web address of a website, but few actually grasp how domain names work.

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How green spaces can make life sweeter

“BOY ELUTRA sweet nah!” was the response from someone who had just learned that I was relocating from Nassau to Eleuthera. I often get similar responses from folks who ask how my family is enjoying living in Eleuthera.

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COLUMN: My Bahamian journey

MY first visit to The Bahamas took place nearly twenty years ago, in the spring of 2003. But when I reminisce over the twists and turns my life has taken over the years, I realize that the journey that would eventually lead me to forge a lifelong connection to The Bahamas started many years earlier, during my last year of college in January of 1988.


TOUGH CALL: The Americas that might have been

Counterfactual history is an attempt to answer hypothetical questions by considering what would have happened if certain key historical events had not occurred.

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WORLD VIEW: Fearless fight for climate fairness

SHOWING all the frankness that he demonstrates in his domestic politics, Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister, Gaston Browne, marched fearlessly like Daniel in the Lion’s Den, when he made several demands in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt where COP 27 is being held.


WORLD VIEW: CARICOM at 50: there is still hope

JULY 4, 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Chaguaramas, the foundational document that brought the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) into existence. With high hopes and lofty ambitions, the heads of government of the four largest independent Caribbean countries at the time embarked on a journey towards regional integration. They were later joined, to varying degrees of commitment, by 10 other countries.

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FACE TO FACE: Never work with your partner? Here’s the perfect proof that you can

During the week of Valentine’s when love was high in the air, I came across an unexpected love story. It was not told with the intention of being a love story. But the evidence of what love and full commitment as a couple can produce was so obvious, that it turned out to be one of the best examples for other couples to follow.


TOUGH CALL: The story of HMBS Flamingo

THIRTY-TWO years ago this month, four Defence Force marines were killed when a 103-foot Bahamian patrol boat was sunk by the Cuban air force less than six weeks after the formation of the RBDF.


Politics on the Cayman Islands

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - At a dinner party on Seven Mile Beach here, I asked a long-time resident (who serves on two public boards) for a briefing on the island's political parties. Curiously, he could not even recall their names. So the next day


Politics on the Cayman Islands

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - At a dinner party on Seven Mile Beach here, I asked a long-time resident (who serves on two public boards) for a briefing on the island's political parties. Curiously, he could not even recall their names. So the next day


Politics on the Cayman Islands

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - At a dinner party on Seven Mile Beach here, I asked a long-time resident (who serves on two public boards) for a briefing on the island's political parties. Curiously, he could not even recall their names. So the next day