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WSC worker denies being coerced to testify against Gibson

A SENIOR employee at the Water and Sewerage Corporation denied a defence attorney’s suggestion yesterday that she was coerced into giving evidence against Adrian Gibson and his co-accused to avoid being charged in the case.


FNM’s downfall by Pintard

The Free National Movement (FNM), once a symbol of political strength and progress in the Bahamas, now languishes under the lackluster leadership of Michael Pintard. This period in the party’s history will likely be remembered as a time of missed opportunities, strategic blunders, and a glaring disconnect from the Bahamian electorate.


Concerned over holiday season safety

Guess I should be saying Season’s Greetings with just short of a month to go, before that big day Christmas, followed by the residual other holidays, a good rest time for some of the country’s essential staffers, well deserved, I think.


EDITORIAL: Concerning that Davis was shocked by IMF report

WHEN Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis declared himself in yesterday’s Tribune to be “shocked” by a conclusion from the International Monetary Fund over the country’s deficit, it needs to be considered in light of how government actually works.

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Officers in Azario Major case allowed to appeal

A SUPREME Court judge granted officers in the Azario Major killing leave to appeal the Coroner Court’s homicide by manslaughter ruling.

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PM ‘SHOCKED’ BY IMF OVER DEFICIT: PM says no concerns were raised with him during recent meeting

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis has said he was shocked by the International Monetary Fund’s conclusion that government spending this fiscal year will outpace revenue by almost three times its projections.


By-election affirms Davis’ PLP

Mercifully the bye-election in West End and Bimini has come to a conclusion. It was almost like torture watching and listening to the groveling manner and semantics of the ‘failed’ putative ‘leader’ of the defunct FNM and the absolute humiliation of the venerable Bishop Ricardo Grant.

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‘Very happy campers’ on 36% KFC pay increase

The hotel union’s president has predicted “there are going to be some very happy campers” after the newly-signed Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) deal gave line staff a 36 percent pay rise spread over five years.

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DR KENT BAZARD – Unveiling the Scientific Link Between Physical Activity and Enhanced Immune Function

AS the flu season looms, our best defence might just be a regular workout routine. Beyond its well-known benefits for cardiovascular health and weight management, exercise is proving to be a key player in bolstering our immune system.

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Data-driven insights key for sustainable success

In the dynamic realm of business and technology, the role of data-driven decision-making stands out as a cornerstone for successful digital transformation. As industries adapt to the demands of the digital era, leveraging data strategically has become a crucial factor in gaining a competitive edge.

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Deal’s ‘equal treatment’ for 53k FTX Bahamas claims

FTX’s Bahamian liquidators “are in the advanced stages” of negotiating a “global settlement” with their US counterpart that will ensure equal treatment for their near-53,000 creditors.


Downtown Nassau ‘very dirty’

My daily commute takes me along the city centre and on to my final destination, but on yesterday, I took a detour ending at Starbucks, John Bull, Bay Street and as I await my coffee, I just couldn’t help myself from overhearing a part of a conversation that a guest to our country was having on his telephone:

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DR KENT BAZARD – Beyond Introduction: Deepening the Dive into Sport Psychology and Mental Conditioning for Athletes

Building upon the foundations laid in our previous exploration of sport psychology, this feature delves deeper into the realms of mental conditioning for athletes.


ORG calls for more transparency

The Organisation for Responsible Governance (ORG) is committed to advancing the principles of transparent governance and accountability in The Bahamas.

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ONE ELEUTHERA FOUNDATION – Empowering tomorrow: Embracing the rise of young leaders

IN an era where the future of our nation is a topic of constant debate, scepticism often lingers about the capabilities of the younger generation to take the reins of leadership.

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Navigating Electrolyte Balance in Athletes: A Vital Component of Performance and Health Introduction

Electrolytes, the unsung heroes within our bodies, play a crucial role in the athletic arena. Sodium, potassium, chloride and calcium are the cornerstone electrolytes that contribute to proper cellular function, muscle contraction and nerve transmission.


Power of the pen and democracy

With your kind permission I wish to offer an opinion on the power of the pen and the expression of democracy. Having written letters to The Editor since the age of 18, which was more than a few years ago, I have always enjoyed and appreciated the democratic freedom I possess while I express my opinion via the pen. I believe every human being in this country ought to have the right to express their opinion. And when that individual is prevented from the expression of an opinion, then Houston we have a problem.

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BLTA hosts regional training camp for the first time

THE Bahamas Lawn Tennis Association (BLTA) began its first ever hosting of the International Tennis Federation (ITF)- COTECC regional training camp for English-speaking countries yesterday at the National Tennis Centre (NTC).

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THE KDK REPORT: This wound so deep

AS blanketed as it may initially sound, humans enjoy and rely upon the concept of order. Whether it is in law or in life in general, we depend on certain conditions, practices and expectations without which we would be awash in a sea of confusion. On a daily basis, the sun rises and then the sun sets. Simple and easy to understand.

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Eric Wiberg – PBM Mariner seaplane sinks near Royal Island

ON the night of Wednesday, July 19, 1944, at Royal Island, North Eleuthera, Lt (jg) HL Hayes crashed while landing in a turbulent sea. No injuries to the personnel occurred, but both wing floats were torn off the plane and the starboard wing tip bounced on the bottom and finally sank in 20 feet of water. The plane was damaged beyond repair and was later surveyed.