All results / Stories / Eileen Carron


By PACO NUNEZ Tribune news editor IT is generally accepted that the use of law enforcement to intimidate or suppress political rivals is the sign of an authoritarian government. Talk of secret police units invokes sinister nightmares from the past - the

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

Unionists now agitating at BTC

Unionists now agitating at BTC IN FEBRUARY, Bahamas Telecommunications Company told Tribune Business that it was ahead of its operating projections for 2012 because its new owners -- Cable and Wireless Communications -- had generated cost savings faster in

Unionists now agitating at BTC

Unionists now agitating at BTC IN FEBRUARY, Bahamas Telecommunications Company told Tribune Business that it was ahead of its operating projections for 2012 because its new owners -- Cable and Wireless Communications -- had generated cost savings faster in

Unionists now agitating at BTC

Unionists now agitating at BTC IN FEBRUARY, Bahamas Telecommunications Company told Tribune Business that it was ahead of its operating projections for 2012 because its new owners -- Cable and Wireless Communications -- had generated cost savings faster in

Unionists now agitating at BTC

Unionists now agitating at BTC IN FEBRUARY, Bahamas Telecommunications Company told Tribune Business that it was ahead of its operating projections for 2012 because its new owners -- Cable and Wireless Communications -- had generated cost savings faster in

A lie dressed up is still a lie

EDITOR, The Tribune. I have heard Perry Gladstone Christie on several occasions, especially recently, say that the PLP created 22,000 jobs between 2002-2007. I am stunned to see that he did not gather enough courage to come back to the Bahamian people to

A lie dressed up is still a lie

EDITOR, The Tribune. I have heard Perry Gladstone Christie on several occasions, especially recently, say that the PLP created 22,000 jobs between 2002-2007. I am stunned to see that he did not gather enough courage to come back to the Bahamian people to

People will not fall for the FNM again

People will not fall for the FNM again EDITOR, The Tribune. I understand it is the silly season but I am deeply concerned that want-to-be politicians who appear to have no conscience will stoop to any level to lie and deceive the people of this great B

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

Why the hold-up in turning college into a university?

RECENTLY, I caught the tail-end of a polite rant on JCN-TV by College of the Bahamas professor Nicollette Bethel. She was lamenting the fact that the College's move towards university status has stalled, threatening dire consequences for the future of the

A lie dressed up is still a lie

EDITOR, The Tribune. I have heard Perry Gladstone Christie on several occasions, especially recently, say that the PLP created 22,000 jobs between 2002-2007. I am stunned to see that he did not gather enough courage to come back to the Bahamian people to

Obama tested by events outside control

Obama tested by events outside control This is the economy election in the US, right? Tell that to the world. President Barack Obama is getting another dose of the reality of his job: the out-of-his-control events that shape whether he will keep it. He i

Obama tested by events outside control

Obama tested by events outside control This is the economy election in the US, right? Tell that to the world. President Barack Obama is getting another dose of the reality of his job: the out-of-his-control events that shape whether he will keep it. He i

PLP failed to deliver in its frame

PLP failed to deliver in its frame EDITOR, The Tribune. I have heard many refer to election time as "silly season". But I only thought it was because the level of propaganda would escalate to extreme proportions. I have seen easily verifiable facts mis

Bishop: Demons loose in country

Bishop: Demons loose in country By LAMECH JOHNSON and SANCHESKA BROWN Tribune Staff Reporters THREE demons are holding the Bahamas hostage and can only be exorcised with prayer, Bishop Neil Ellis, of Mount Tabor Full Gospel Bapti

Does witchcraft exist in the straw market?

EDITOR, The Tribune. Since time immemorial, there have been rumours of unusual practices and behaviour in the straw market. There have been strange and unusual scents witnessed and experienced by others to be directed to or concentrated around the stal

Does witchcraft exist in the straw market?

EDITOR, The Tribune. Since time immemorial, there have been rumours of unusual practices and behaviour in the straw market. There have been strange and unusual scents witnessed and experienced by others to be directed to or concentrated around the stal