All results / Stories / Eileen Carron

Airport issues must be addressed

THIS TIME, next week a new Government of the Bahamas will have been elected.


RUSSIA CONCERNED ABOUT NUCLEAR IRAN Russia expressed regret and concern Tuesday about Iran's launch of uranium enrichment up to 20 per cent at an underground facility, but urged all parties involved in the nuclear standoff with Tehran to avoid hasty move

Tease photo


KERZNER CHIEF: 'NO JOB LOSSES' KERZNER International's president today confirmed Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham's statement that no employees will be laid off as a result of the ownership transfer of the Atlantis resort from Kerzner to Brookfield Asset M

The audacity of greed

EDITOR, The Tribune. Did my eyes deceive me or did I really see the headline "PLP Hopeful Backs Oil Exploration" in Thursday's paper? Does Leslie Miller really think we have forgotten about his dubious trail of misdeeds when it comes to energy in The Bah

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton?

Let's talk about Arawak, why not Clifton? "LET'S TALK about the new container port at Arawak Cay," was Opposition leader Perry Christie's invitation to his supporters at Clifford Park Friday night. In this column today, we shall take Mr Christie up on hi

Pinder back in role

EDITOR, The Tribune. As a resident of Spanish Wells I have waited now for a week to see if any of the PLP loudmouths and some Internet site called Bahamas Press - who carried on in the media and also in Parliament back in July about the fact that they ha

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending

25 nations to sign treaty to stop overspending All countries in the European Union, except Britain and the Czech Republic, agreed Monday to sign up to a new treaty designed to stop overspending in the eurozone and put an end to the bloc's crippling debt

Well done, coaches

EDITOR, The Tribune. As the Chief Councillor for Spanish Wells, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise the athletes from Spanish Wells All-Age School and their coaches for the performance that they put on at a Track and Field meet in N

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Well done, coaches

EDITOR, The Tribune. As the Chief Councillor for Spanish Wells, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise the athletes from Spanish Wells All-Age School and their coaches for the performance that they put on at a Track and Field meet in N

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Well done, coaches

EDITOR, The Tribune. As the Chief Councillor for Spanish Wells, I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise the athletes from Spanish Wells All-Age School and their coaches for the performance that they put on at a Track and Field meet in N

Montagu foreshore earns praise for government

IT'S not often that professional critics like Tough Call feel the need to offer kudos to those in office. After all, they can draw on the multiple resources of the state (including a $2.5 million-a-year "information service") to stroke themselves. And hop

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the


SEATTLE Associated Press The federal court sentencing date for Colton Harris-Moore in the Barefoot Bandit case has been set for Jan. 27. He pleaded guilty in June to charges that included the theft of a plane in a cross-country crime spree. He was arr

Bahamas learns from Caymanos

GEORGE TOWN, the Cayman Islands - the political status of this tiny British Overseas Territory south of Cuba, which enjoys one of the world's highest standards of living, has been described by local intellectuals as "voluntary colonialism". As late as the
