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Concerns over flow of drugs

Concerns over flow of drugs EDITOR, The Tribune. Thanks for allowing me space in your valuable column to express my view on two topics: men of the cloth's involvement in politics and the stewardship of the Free National Movement Government over the past

Concerns over flow of drugs

Concerns over flow of drugs EDITOR, The Tribune. Thanks for allowing me space in your valuable column to express my view on two topics: men of the cloth's involvement in politics and the stewardship of the Free National Movement Government over the past

Concerns over flow of drugs

Concerns over flow of drugs EDITOR, The Tribune. Thanks for allowing me space in your valuable column to express my view on two topics: men of the cloth's involvement in politics and the stewardship of the Free National Movement Government over the past

Concerns over flow of drugs

Concerns over flow of drugs EDITOR, The Tribune. Thanks for allowing me space in your valuable column to express my view on two topics: men of the cloth's involvement in politics and the stewardship of the Free National Movement Government over the past

Concerns over flow of drugs

Concerns over flow of drugs EDITOR, The Tribune. Thanks for allowing me space in your valuable column to express my view on two topics: men of the cloth's involvement in politics and the stewardship of the Free National Movement Government over the past

Where is the money?

EDITOR, The Tribune. The Nassau Guardian reported as its headline on November 23, 2011, that NEMA can't account for 20 million relief dollars that came in during Hurricanes Jeanne and Frances. What is even more disturbing is that this incident took seven

Christie's 'Bridge' nonsense

Christie's 'Bridge' nonsense EDITOR, The Tribune. Perry Gladstone Christie seems to be proud of his new slogan; "I am the bridge from Sir Lynden to the future" Really? What does he really mean? Well, maybe we should revisit the past. When the PLP won th

Christie's 'Bridge' nonsense

Christie's 'Bridge' nonsense EDITOR, The Tribune. Perry Gladstone Christie seems to be proud of his new slogan; "I am the bridge from Sir Lynden to the future" Really? What does he really mean? Well, maybe we should revisit the past. When the PLP won th

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Suicide in the Bahamas

Suicide in the Bahamas EDITOR, The Tribune. It now appears that a very disturbing trend is developing in this country. I have noticed that more and more troubled Bahamians are resorting to suicide. It appears that these persons who have chosen to take

Thinking out of the box

EDITOR, The Tribune. We hear so much from the politicians and the Downtown Development Board about their high-flouting plans for the City of Nassau however the worst offenders in messing the city up seem to be government. Who did the years-old tree on t

Haitians will punish the PLP

IF you would have asked me a month ago who I thought would win the general election, I would have told you the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). Perry G Christie and his so-called new PLP looked poised


By Mike Lightbourn THE size and price may be important, but the way a home "feels" is a big factor, too when it comes down to deciding whether or not to purchase a home. Although this is pretty widely known in the industry, a study conducted by Jessica E

DNA needs to hold GB rallies

DNA needs to hold GB rallies EDITOR, The Tribune. Both major political parties, the Free National Movement (FNM) and the official Opposition Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), are in full election mode as they canvass throughout the commonwealth of the B

DNA needs to hold GB rallies

DNA needs to hold GB rallies EDITOR, The Tribune. Both major political parties, the Free National Movement (FNM) and the official Opposition Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), are in full election mode as they canvass throughout the commonwealth of the B

Action is needed over Haitian immigration

Action is needed over Haitian immigration EDITOR, The Tribune. After witnessing the events concerning the visit of the Haitian President, I feel compelled to write. Why are Bahamians not demanding immigration reform? How is it that Haitian sloops goi

A Bahamian mother in tears

EDITOR, The Tribune. THE NB-12 evening news programme reported a story on January 26, 2012 about a mother who received a notice of eviction to leave her home. The mother of three said that her home business was robbed several times, the most severe one h