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Businesses say - we’ll need a lot more

The Government was yesterday urged to "marry health with economics" to maximise the "phenomenal gesture" of its $60m bid to safeguard up to 10,000 jobs through tax credits and deferrals.

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INSIGHT: A delicate balance of minimising deaths without putting the whole country at risk

THE world, including The Bahamas, has been plunged into a state of fear, insecurity and uncertainty by the coronavirus epidemic. We congratulate our Prime Minister for taking the bold stand of setting up a curfew and restriction of movement in response to this national challenge. A leader must be informed, willing to take risks and, above all, able to exude calm. The Prime Minister fulfilled these three characteristics.

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AG: 'We were protecting vulnerable from calamity'

The attorney general yesterday pledged to “clarify” a life and health insurance order that was designed to prevent poor and elderly policyholders suffering a “catastrophe” amid the COVID-19 crisis. Carl Bethel QC told Tribune Business that the gover

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DPM: Bahamas faces 'deep, stark' recession

The deputy prime minister yesterday warned The Bahamas faces a “very deep and stark recession”, and urged it to brace for “major problems” if the COVID-19 crisis continues beyond summer.

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INSIGHT: Don’t panic - it’s time to think of others, not just ourselves

AS the nation has watched the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, go from a “foreign virus” that spread through Wuhan, China, with epic speed, inch closer and closer to our shores, it has been unsettling to see it reach 118 countries to date. No doubt, any nation still reeling from the disastrous impact of Hurricane Dorian would have citizens gripped by fear.

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Exuma sports company struggling to break even

AFTER losing $96,000 through cancellations in the last two weeks, one Exuma businessman is considering the bright side of the country potentially shutting down over coronavirus concerns. “I would welcome a shutdown because it’s now cheaper for me to

A perfect storm fuelled by a game of dare on oil prices

The coronavirus is now infecting and killing a growing number of people across the globe, with an increasing number of countries imposing draconian containment measures that are severely impacting the economic growth prospects of the world’s economy.

Clinics bombarded by worried patients

THE medical sector is experiencing impact from coronavirus fears as people bombard clinics with cold-like symptoms and stock up on medication from pharmacies even though the country has not recorded a case of COVID-19.

We must worry about the poor

The Federal Reserve took its rate to zero and additional $700 billion in stimulus on March 15, 2020. The Federal Reserve balance sheet will be at its peak of $4.5 trillion. This will be done by purchasing assets – in this case, $500 billion in Treasury securities and $200 billion in mortgage-backed securities. The purchases will begin right away, with $40 billion in purchases set to take place on Monday, March 16, 2020.

New airlift seeking frequency increase

United Airlines is already looking to increase the frequency of a new non-stop flight from Denver that is expected to bring an extra 20,000 visitors to The Bahamas annually, a senior tourism official says.Dr Kenneth Romer, the Ministry of Tourism’s e

Super Value more than triples inventory levels

Super Value’s principal yesterday said he has more than tripled the supermarket chain’s inventory levels to guard against coronavirus disruption, and warned: “Panic buying is not doing any good.”Rupert Roberts revealed that he has increased stock lev

BOC recommends all local sports be suspended

With all international travel being suspended by the Bahamas Government until further notice as a result of the spread of the coronavirus, the Bahamas Olympic Committee is also advising all sporting bodies to cease any further local competition until

'Worst timed one-two punch' to hit tourism

The coronavirus has teamed with Hurricane Dorian to create “a one-two punch that couldn’t have been worse timed” for Family Island resorts, a top tourism official argued yesterday. Kerry Fountain, the Bahamas Out Island Promotion Board’s (BOIPB) exe

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Bahamas warned on new downgrade risk

The Bahamas was yesterday warned by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) that it faces “at least a one-in-three chance” of a further downgrade to its sovereign credit rating within the next 12 months.

Govt 'fully draws down' $190m loan

The government has “fully drawn down” a $190m syndicated loan led by Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) that will finance post-Hurricane Dorian reconstruction, it was revealed yesterday.Marlon Johnson, the Ministry of Finance’s acting financial secretary, to

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Tourism industry begins to feel the financial strain

BAHAMIANS are bracing for financial pain after global coronavirus fears began to cause major cancellations to businesses this week.

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'Many will die if we don't take this seriously'

HEALTH Minister Dr Duane Sands warned yesterday if the country does not take the COVID-19 threat seriously, “many of us will die,” adding health officials are not certain when the fast-spreading pandemic will end.

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Public to have say on oil operations

The Bahamian people will determine the fate of any commercial oil discovery in this nation's waters, a Cabinet minister pledged yesterday, adding that the country is at "a crossroads" over the issue.

Bahamas must 'keep economic patient alive'

The Fiscal Responsibility Council’s chairman yesterday said the Government needs to “keep the patient alive” and prevent the COVID-19 crisis from collapsing the Bahamian economy. Kevin Burrows told Tribune Business he felt the government has suffici

EDITORIAL: Fix the flaws in our justice system

THE latest report from the US on flaws in a prosecution for corruption in The Bahamas should not be a shock.