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Who’s the boss? Bahamian women in leadership

TODAY, women all around the world are being celebrated for their advancements, achievements and strides they have made. International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.

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Under-40s slow to get vaccine

THERE is a low uptake in vaccinations among people under 40 compared to the older population, according to health data.

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Antigen test kits checked for fault

HEALTH and Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville says his ministry is investigating after being cautioned by an international health agency about several potential “substandard” COVID-19 antigen testing kits imported to the country from India.

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Inaugural Bahamas All-Pro Celebrity Weekend: Bahamian NFL players to headline list of stars

BAHAMIAN National Football League players Michael Strachan and Rashad Fenton will headline a list of stars in town for the inaugural Bahamas All-Pro Celebrity Weekend at the Thomas A Robinson National Stadium.

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Da Boyz win the Old Timers Memorial Softball Tournament

WITH renovations at the Archdeacon William Thompson Softball Park at the Southern Recreational Grounds not completed yet, the New Providence Old Timers Softball Association staged their first Memorial Softball Tournament over the weekend at the Bankers Field at the Baillou Hills Sporting Complex.

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Bahamian retailer expands eastward

A well-known Bahamian retailer yesterday said it is aiming to complete its eastern New Providence expansion in time for Christmas 2021 and reach a market segment currently underserved.

Retailer’s $10m spend creates up to 70 job

A Bahamian retailer yesterday said its $10m eastern New Providence investment, which has created 60-70 jobs, attracted more consumer traffic than expected during Saturday’s opening.

Old timers softball returns this weekend

After missing two years of competition, the New Providence Old Timers Softball Association will return to action this weekend (April 9th and 10th, 2022) with a memorial tournament, but at a different venue under new leadership.

PM urged: ‘Flip switch’ over true meritocracy

The Prime Minister was yesterday urged to “flip the switch” and transform The Bahamas from a political patronage-based system to a meritocracy, an ex-political leader warning: “We can’t afford for them to fail.”

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DIANE PHILLIPS: Our love-hate relationship with Jeopardy

LIKE millions of others, my husband and I watch Jeopardy every night, well, just about every weekday night. I don’t know why we are addicted when we lose so consistently. It’s like asking to be punished and going back the next day and the next and the next after that for more punishment, hoping somehow after enough punishment, there will be a reward.

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Archdeacon William Thompson Softball Park rededicated

PRIME Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis assured the public that his administration will not allow the public parks to go into the deteriorating state that previous administrations left the Southern Recreation Grounds in.

The Earth will abide

To Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis, climate change and global warming are both massive issues worth addressing. True to his word to the Bahamian people, Davis addressed this issue at the recent CARICOM Heads of Government Meeting in Belize, although I cannot recall climate change being front and centre in the Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) campaign platform in 2021. In fact, I cannot say if the subject was addressed at all on the campaign trail.