One man dead, one in hospital after Montell Heights shooting

POLICE have launched an island-wide manhunt in New Providence for the occupants of a silver Honda following a shooting incident that has left one man dead and another in hospital on Tuesday night.

According to reports, shortly after 9pm, two men were walking on Ethel Street, Montell Heights, when the occupants of the Honda pulled up and fired several shots at them before speeding off. The two men were rushed to hospital in critical condition, but one succumbed to his injuries and the other remains in serious condition.

It brings the country’s murder count for 2015 to 73 following the classification yesterday by police of the death of Dajonne Woodside, the 19-year-old killed when she was hit by a car outside a bar in Gladstone Road early on Saturday, as a homicide.


ohdrap4 9 years, 1 month ago

people don't kill people. silver hondas do.

asiseeit 9 years, 1 month ago

Maybe if these punks had a stable family, an education, and a job they would not be on the streets killing one another. Sad to say, the family unit in the Bahamas was destroyed in the 70's-80's by the drug culture that can be attributed to the father of the Nation. An education is not in the best interest of the politicians as an educated population would never have elected these clowns in the first place. Jobs, well because this country has been made so tribal by POLITICS, it is about what party you support and who you know these days. So my idea how to get rid of crime is simple, lets get rid of the POLITICIANS that have created the monster in the first place! BAM_SOOKIE, yinna know I am correct!

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