Appeal for blood donors after Charles McCartney shot in home invasion

THE FAMILY of Charles McCartney have issued an urgent appeal for blood donations after he was shot early on Saturday morning during a home invasion and taken to the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH).

Mr McCartney is reported to have undergone surgery on bullet wounds to his stomach and thigh close to arteries and now requires further treatment, for which blood supplies are needed by the PMH blood bank. Mr McCartney is a cousin of the Democratic National Alliance leader Branville McCartney.

According to police reports, a man with a handgun broke into Mr McCartney's home at Ruby Street, off West Bay Street, around 4am and shot him before fleeing on foot. They are investigating the incident.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 3 months ago

Sorry to hear this , I Pray that God will spare his life. This crime problem is in need of all the Bahamian people to be on one accord.

paul_vincent_zecchino 8 years, 3 months ago

Interesting, another predation against someone named McCartney. Has the family been targeted for some reason? If so, by whom?

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