Talking at the wheel

EDITOR, The Tribune

Didn’t we ban the use of cellphones when driving? Not any difference from what I see but then you never see a police vehicle let alone a traffic cop except for their once a month licence check. Suggest that law was all PR.

Have you noticed our Ministers all have new suits…dey looking smart…boy Jos.A.Banks and Mens Warehouse must have made a killing…what’s this new thing for the British-styled stripped shirt?

West Bay planting flowering trees after removal of casuarinas - Editor suggest our National tree, Yellow Elder…There is another less known tree which can withstand sea spray and found in the Caribbean Cordia, a nice sharp orange flower grows fast..but we need something.

Tourism ads, since Dorian saw some on a Chicago Network absolutely no mention of The Bahamas being open to business…dah MOT messed up after Dorian and the world thought even Nassau was flattened.

BTC…is there an out of order service or you call Aliv?



November 7, 2019


B_I_D___ 4 years, 8 months ago

They are more than happy to ignore the new cell phone ban...but boy they picked up on that left turn on red thing and obeying that to the max!!

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