Minnis gives his support to WSC chairman Gibson


Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRIME Minister Dr Hubert Minnis fully endorsed Water & Sewerage chairman Adrian Gibson last night, days after questions emerged about contracts awarded under the Long Island MP’s tenure.

Dr Minnis has not yet answered a question from reporters about the allegations against Mr Gibson and has not addressed them directly.

But last night, he heaped praise on Mr Gibson during a rally in Long Island.

“The whole country know that Long Island rollin’ red with the FNM and Adrian Gibson,” he said.

“We want you to send Adrian Gibson back to the People’s House. Adrian has done an excellent job for you and a good job for you and a good job for the country. He is a hard worker, who has accomplished so much for Long Island during this term in office.

“I hear Brave is dead mad with your MP.


Water and Sewerage Corporation executive chairman Adrian Gibson.

“You see, Adrian Gibson is leading our administration’s efforts to get good, quality water all cross The Bahamas.

“There is plenty of foolishness the PLP and their people are putting out, especially on social media. They are trying to distract you from the truth of who Brave is and who they are. Do not mind the noise. They are very desperate.”

Mr Gibson has faced scrutiny over the award of hundreds of thousands of WSC contracts to Elite Maintenance Incorporated Ltd, a company whose director is the woman with the same name as Mr Gibson’s fiancee.

Mr Gibson has said the woman was a lawyer acting on behalf of Elite Maintenance and that she eventually severed ties with the company. He has not said whether he disclosed existing relationships with the directors of the company that secured the contracts to WSC’s board of directors.

WSC general manager Elwood Donaldson has said at least three bids were submitted for the contracts in question and that after the bids were reviewed, a recommendation by the board of directors was made.

He said: “In the instance of the three contracts for painting, repair and upgrading of our water tanks, it was recommended that the contracts be split between the three lowest bidders.”

“The bids received by the corporation ranged from in excess of $1m per tank on down. The board agreed and the contracts were issued.

“All works have been completed and met the standards of the corporation, with works having been signed off by our engineering and planning department.”


TreasCay 2 years, 10 months ago

Please Please Please Help Us!!!!! After two long years we still don’t have an operating sewer system in Treasure Cay. While there’s been a lot of “talk” there’s not been any real action! We desperately need it repaired so the 2nd homeowners and tourists can return. Without them we can not make a living. Last word we heard was WSC was holding up progress!

birdiestrachan 2 years, 10 months ago

All of them FNM fellows are snakes and sharks in human form, They wrote the books on corruption.

TalRussell 2 years, 10 months ago

This is Shirley Street's, — stooping to be being used as a tool of the Red Party's septic tank at the highest level sewerages journalistic integrity, — Ducking out on deeper, in-depth election reporting — Surrounding WSC's Comrade Adrian aka Shirley Street Journalist, — Yes?

ThisIsOurs 2 years, 10 months ago

birds of a feather protect each other

jackbnimble 2 years, 10 months ago

Technically what choice does he have? Gibson has been nominated and Parliamrnt dissolved and we are like a week out from the General Elections. Lol. Kinda reminds me of the Jerome Fitzgerakd scandal days before the PLP was voted out of office. Be sure your sin will find you out and worse will get you voted out of office!!!

licks2 2 years, 10 months ago

Thats the problem right there. . .the PLP did it last time with JF. . .the FNM made a "heck" of a noise. . .now the FNM doing it with Gibson. . .the PLP making noise!!!! But yea. . .you are right. . .WE ARE A BUNCHA FOOLS!! I gee. . .save ma lil piece of pride!

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