Traffic fatalities see 50 percent rise for women, says Coleby-Davis

Transport and Energy Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis.

Transport and Energy Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


TRAFFIC fatalities involving women jumped by more than 50 per cent this year compared to 2022, Transport and Energy Minister Jobeth Coleby-Davis said.

Forty-eight people have died in traffic fatalities this year, with increases among women under 45 and motorcyclists.

“The number of fatalities involving females rose by more than 50 per cent,” Mrs Coleby-Davis said. “The number of fatal traffic accidents involving motorcycles has also increased by 50 per cent.

“These observations are quite disturbing and a cause for serious national concern. Many of the fatal traffic accidents in our country continue to primarily involve young Bahamians under the age of 45. This category of individuals represents the future of our nation.”

Mrs Coleby-Davis urged Bahamians to slow down, drive cautiously, and obey road laws.

“Let me be very clear and direct: we must practice safe driving on our streets every day,” she said. “No one is above the laws of our country.”

“We must obey the speed limit, wear seat belts and put down those cell phones. We must not drink and drive. We must ensure that our vehicles have current insurance. Road Traffic, y’all better get it together, you know that’s my slogan. Get it together and get these cars off the road that do not have insurance.

“We must be courteous to all our road users, including pedestrians and motorcyclists.”

Mrs Coleby-Davis’s comments came during the Road Traffic Supervisors Training Programme graduation ceremony on Friday.

“Over the course of three weeks, the graduates of this comprehensive training programme were exposed to sessions on human resource management, communication, customer service and human interaction, conflict resolution, first aid strategies, stress management and road traffic laws regulations,” she said.

“Graduates, as Road Traffic supervisors, you will play a key role in ensuring that we reduce traffic fatalities and adhere to the rules of the road. Be always respectful and fair, do not abuse your role. Do not get caught up in corrupt practices.”


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