Man on bail for murder found shot dead in back seat of vehicle

A 26-year-old man was found in the back seat of a car ‘with gunshot injuries to the body’ yesterday at Blackstone Close and Baillou Hill road.
Photo: Austin Fernander

A 26-year-old man was found in the back seat of a car ‘with gunshot injuries to the body’ yesterday at Blackstone Close and Baillou Hill road. Photo: Austin Fernander


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE found a 26-year-old man on bail for murder shot and killed in a vehicle at Blackstone Close and Baillou Hill Road yesterday –– the 57th murder victim for the year.

After receiving a call around 7am yesterday, police found the victim “with gunshot injuries to the body” in the backseat of a white Toyota Passo.

The victim was reportedly a resident of Marshall Road and was being electronically monitored.

Though Police Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings could not say when the man was killed, she said “rigor mortis” had set in when the body was found.

The killing follows the murder of two men in a separate incident nearly a week ago in the South Beach area.

CSP Skippings said police were alerted to the shooting on Sunset Drive off Sea Link Drive around 9.20pm on July 6.

She said the murdered men were being electronically monitored. One was on bail for murder, the other for attempted murder. One of the men was in his early 20s; the other was in his mid-20s.

She said the slain men were found in a blue Honda Fit. They were approached by two men with firearms, one of which was a high-powered weapon.

She alleged that the men killed were affiliated with gangs.


Sickened 11 months ago

Street Justice is the only swift justice we get around here.

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