Fernander: 'Somthing sexual happened' in tourist rape claim

Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander

Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander

Commissioner of Police Clayton Fernander said investigations were still ongoing to determine whether rape charges would be brought against the men accused of sexual assault by two women cruise ship passengers two months ago.

Mr Fernander did not classify the allegations as rape but acknowledged that “…based on the evidence we have so far, something happened. But I’m not saying that at the end of the day it’s rape but we know some sexual act occurred.”

Last month, Mr Fernander told media that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions was meeting with police investigators to decide whether to bring charges over the incident that reportedly occurred in early February. It was also reported that the force is collaborating closely with the FBI in the ongoing investigation.

Amber Shearer and Dongayla Dobson, passengers on a Carnival cruise ship, claimed they were on a beach at Pirates Cove when two men allegedly assaulted them.

Warren Adderley, one of the men allegedly involved in the assault, maintained his innocence in a Facebook Live video.

At a press conference today, Mr Fernander said investigators were still in communication with the Attorney General’s Office and would return “shortly” with an update for the public.

Mr Fernander said: "We will have to view the facts what is before us and if the evidence is pointing that it was a malicious complaint, we will take action. If there is evidence of a charge, at the end of the day, then we will lay the charge."


Dawes 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Why announce this? Surely it is for the police to review and then decide whether or not to prosecute. This is not a day time soap opera.

John 3 months, 2 weeks ago

‘Something sexual happened’ is like say ‘it rained in Freeport. We don’t know when and we don’t know where, but it rained. But on the other hand, someone may have been malicious and wet the road to make it appear as if it rained.’ And if something ‘sexual’ happened to the two accusers and you have ni grounds to prosecute except their word, then on what grounds will you be prosecuting the accused. Especially when there’s video of the two women fraternizing with each other in the water. And video of them beating themselves up on top of a bar. Unless there’s rape kit evidence or an eyewitness, stop playing with these men lives and tickling the emotions of itching ears.

rosiepi 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Usually as we age we grow wiser, we don’t tend to believe or get excited about gossipy video ‘evidence’ in this age of disinformation. Would that this poster had acquired that wisdom… The videos he’s referenced have long been labeled as not showing the victims in question. And one has to wonder as to his concern over rape kits since it has been reported here in this newspaper that the police might gather such evidence but they never send it off to a stateside (or any) lab for testing.

John 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Did you mean misinformation as opposed to ‘disinformation ?’ When you attempt to criticize or discredit someone be al least halfway decently accurate. As for the videos, since you don’t know which ones I saw, you don’t know if they are the same they claim were discredited . There were numerous videos posted, both by the victims and by other guests at the resort where the alleged incident happened. And as for rape kits, dude please! The victims always maintained that they NEVER used rape test kits so there was consequently znOBrspe kits for the police to not use. Yes we are supposed to grow wiser with age, not ‘disintelligent !’ And the nurse to make such a remark was probably a ‘ hired hand’ like in a ‘yes sir massa sir movie!’

rosiepi 3 months, 2 weeks ago

And yet you obviously feel you’re above the same restraints you demand of others towards yourself ie. to be “halfway decently accurate” when “attempting to discredit or criticize.. Your history in these pages precedes you, your oft repeated casually cruel misogynistic innuendos and outright falsehoods are everywhere here man.

I used disinformation not misinformation because the former means using false information that is deliberately intended to mislead. And that’s your schtick. I didn’t attempt to discredit you, I succeeded using your own foolish rush to judge these girls, your own dumb obfuscation.

The rape kits brought later were a face saving gesture we know has no bearing here or in any rape case for the reasons I stated.

I know the videos you’ve referenced ( and so does every other reader) because you told us. And that nurse you disparage time after time? She’s a Reg. Nurse Practitioner, that means she has a practice in the US, she’s authorized to write scripts. She has over 25 years experience.

And “disintelligent”…really??

Porcupine 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Stand your ground. You are right. The history is there for all to see. Most just choose not to.

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 2 weeks ago

"we know some sexual act occurred.”

Ok so we've gotten past the point of many Bahamians who ran with the video footage doesnt line up,

"Something" actually happened. The nurse on site claims it's the worst condition she's ever seen a person in, what that means is yet to be determined .

John 3 months, 2 weeks ago

So why did tge rape victims fail to use the rape test kits? You say you were raped why did you refuse to allow semen or DNA evidence to be collected? Both victims? The nurse can describe the situation as horrific as she wants but if there is no evidence to tie the scene to the accused then her fantasy is just an unfortunate, horrific nightmare

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 2 weeks ago

Lack of DNA makes it harder but not impossible to prove rape. If not, it would mean that if a rapist used a condom he couldnt be charged with rape. Also if I remember the story correctly, the women complained that they werent offered rape kits even though they requested them. By the police's own accounts they travelled to the ship sometime after, who knows how long it took them to determine "the seriousness of the situation", to deliver said rape kits. A judge will determine if it's reasonable for the women to have bruised themselves and voluntarily ingested memory reducing mind altering drugs, all in an effort to get a big pay day. Not outside the realm of possibility, but the objective process will come to some conclusion.... under the watchful eyes of the US Embassy and the FBI

"Something" happened. The first line of defense, that the video tape dont line up, coming from largely Bahamian males angry at elusive women "who is lie" is now gone.

It's for some objective process to determine on which side the evidence lies.

stillwaters 3 months, 2 weeks ago

I just think we would be more interested right now in hearing what is happening with Cornish. I saw him in his seat at the House still.The FBI is on this case.........nuff said.

ThisIsOurs 3 months, 2 weeks ago

The FBI is on Cornish's case? I thought the victim was Bahamian. In any event, one doesnt trump the other, rape is a horrific crime, because it doesnt only attack the body, it attacks the soul. every instance desrves a spotlight

The most damning reminder of how unserious (Minnis' new word) we are about allegations of rape is Cornish sitting in Parliament.

If the Financial Controller of a govt corporation was accused of stealing and there was enough evidence to show that money was missing and the individual had some or should have had some knowledge, the individual would be sent on leave, would have no access to the office building and would not be allowed to return to the office until a conclusion was reached innocent or guilty.

But here we are in 2024 with the police having a charge before them, that a sitting MP raped a woman, physically assaulted her, held a knife to her throat, threatened her with death and the gentleman is allowed to represent US as one of the best among us and cast his vote on laws governing other men.

I wonder if Parliamentarians have enough principles and character to at least attempt to change this farce. They certainly have the power to do so.

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