‘Crime is down’ but rise in rape

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander says an officer is being investigated for alleged involvement in a $90k robbery. Photo: Dante Carrer

POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander says an officer is being investigated for alleged involvement in a $90k robbery. Photo: Dante Carrer

Half of all rape victims knew their attacker


Tribune Staff Reporter


POLICE Commissioner Clayton Fernander said serious crimes decreased by 21 per cent in 2023, although rape increased by 11 per cent.

In the 61 reported rape cases last year, 50 per cent of the victims knew their assailant.

Thirty-nine per cent of the alleged assailants were acquaintances, three per cent were boyfriends, five per cent were ex-boyfriends, three per cent were step-relatives, two per cent were friends, and two per cent were unknown to the victim. The law does not criminalise marital rape, and the commissioner declined to discuss reports of such activity.

He said some of the alleged rapes involved women catching a ride or walking and jogging on the streets.

“You had even some home invasion, where individuals break into homes and sexually molested the females,” he said.

“We see that trend and that’s why we are encouraging the females –– not the females, everybody –– to make sure that your homes are properly secured. Don’t catch rides.”

Commissioner Fernander believes that through the work of the Domestic Violence Unit, which he said is engaging schools and civic organisations, women are becoming more comfortable reporting sexual attacks.

Police received 134 reports of unlawful sexual intercourse in 2023 compared to 139 in 2022, with 75 per cent of victims knowing the assailant.

The commissioner held a press conference at the Paul Farquharson Conference Centre to reveal crime statistics for this year and 2023.

He said compared to the same period last year, crime this year is down ten per cent, though murders are up.

He said crimes against the person decreased by 26 per cent while property crime decreased by 19 per cent.

He said of the people on bail, 75 allegedly committed murder. Thirty-three were killed on bail.

Armed robberies reportedly decreased by 34 per cent: 368 incidents compared to 555 in 2022.

According to the police, robberies decreased by 44 per cent.

Traffic fatalities decreased by 14 per cent, with 51 fatal accidents compared to 59 in 2022, though there was an uptick in Family Island incidents.

Speed was the most common reason for the accidents, though Commissioner Fernander said people falling asleep and not wearing seatbelts were also factors sometimes.

The commissioner said police investigated 311 missing person reports, 263 of which were resolved. Forty-eight remain under investigation.

He said 355 illegal weapons and 8,995 rounds of ammunition were taken off the streets. Four hundred and seventy-four people were charged with possession of illegal firearms.

The commissioner said 4,598 pounds of cocaine were seized.

Additionally, 10,386 pounds of marijuana and 266 plants marijuana plants were taken.

Police arrested and took 1,504 people before the court.


bahamianson 3 months, 1 week ago

Yeah , and carnival is i may. That is the month when girls dance around the streets competing on whom has the biggest, juiciest, s3xiest rump twerking them in our faces. Let's see if rape goes up in May. Might be a correlation.

ExposedU2C 3 months, 1 week ago

It has been decades since we've had a competent police commissioner.....and Fernander is current proof of that fact every time he wags his tongue.

mandela 3 months, 1 week ago

All eyes should be on the two E-average thieving top cops who finally got caught robbing its citizens and what Commissioner Fernander reaction is.

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