Prince George Wharf vendors to relocate


Senator Randy Rolle. (File photo)

By Fay Simmons

Tribune Business Reporter


The head of the Government’s Downtown Revitalisation Unit yesterday said vendors who were asked to vacate Prince George Wharf will be allowed to operate from “alternative locations”.

Senator Randy Rolle, also the Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Aviation’s global relations consultant, told Tribune Business that vendors were asked to temporarily leave their stalls and relocate as part of ongoing efforts to revive Bay Street and wider downtown Nassau.

He explained that the vendors knew their location on the wharf was not permanent and they will be given alternative sites. “It’s an ongoing part of the downtown revitalisation plan. When the vendors were moved there it was not intended to be a permanent location. All of them will be given alternative locations in which to operate,” Mr Rolle said.

“As part of the overall plan to revitalise Bay Street and help with the ambiance, that’s just a part of the ongoing plan. They were all given advance notice of the same.”

Vendors received notices from the Downtown Revitalisation Unit advising that the latter will not be renewing or issuing new licences for Prince George Wharf and that they must vacate by 15 March.

“Today we write to you with a blend of sentiments as we communicate significant developments and upgrades along Prince George Wharf,” the notice read.

“Regrettably, ongoing upgrades and developmental initiatives necessitate changes within our operational landscape. Consequently, there will be no renewals of current licenses or issuance of new licenses for the foreseeable future. Additionally, the Straw Market Authority will be orchestrating new permanent arrangements.

“In light of these developments, we must inform you that you must vacate your current premises on Prince George Wharf by 15 March 2024.” The notice added: “We acknowledge that this news may be met with surprise and disappointment. Please rest assured that this decision was reached after careful deliberation with due consideration for the potential impact on your business and operations.

“Please rest assured that this decision was reached after careful deliberation, with due consideration for the potential impact on your business and operations. Despite the challenges ahead, we firmly believe that this course of action is essential for the overall well-being of our stakeholders and the continued progress of our endeavours”.

Thanking the vendors for helping to make Prince George Wharf “a dynamic and flourishing area, the notice added: “Although we understand that this transition may pose uncertainties, we are fully committed to supporting you throughout this process.

“Collaborating closely with the Straw Market Authority, we are actively exploring alternative options and locations that may accommodate your businesses effectively.... While we recognise that this news may bring challenges, we are confident that by working together we can navigate this transition and emerge stronger.”

Alternative locations for the Prince George Wharf vendors could include Cable Beach and Paradise Island.

Many visitors, including the up to 30,000 passengers that pass through the Nassau Cruise Port daily, stroll down Bay Street but many complain about the area’s condition, cleanliness and the lack of activities. The Downtown Revitalisation project is aiming to give Bay Street a facelift through the installation of pedestrian zones, a business incubation centre, green spaces, a cultural village and other initiatives.


truetruebahamian 5 months ago

Also get rid of those on the western end of Woodes Rogers Walk, please.

Sickened 5 months ago

Not permanent! Shocking. Historically, once you squat on a piece of someone's land that space becomes yours for life... and the life of your outside and non-related, non-english speaking business partners.

killemwitdakno 5 months ago

Vendors present prevent beach rape.

ExposedU2C 5 months ago

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