American visitor seriously injured in traffic accident

A 34-year-old American man visiting from Boston, Massachusetts is in hospital after a traffic collision in the vicinity of the toll booth on the Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge.

Preliminary reports indicate that on Thursday at around 11pm, the victim was operating an electric scooter on the bridge with a male passenger when he reportedly lost control and was thrown from the scooter along with his passenger.

The operator sustained severe head injuries and was transported to the hospital where he remains in critical condition.

The Police Traffic Division is investigating.


hrysippus 4 months, 2 weeks ago

How would any sensible sober person think that they could control a small electric scooter with two people on it on a downward gradient such as is present on the PI bridge?

moncurcool 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Trying to figure out the traffic collision, if he lost control and was thrown from the scooter.

ThisIsOurs 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Since they didnt say the car hit him, maybe as he lost control he collided with a car and the collision caused him to be projected some distance with a very hard landing

I saw an article on this last week, it was related to another tourist destination and danger of escooters, cant recall where I saw it but picked this up from anesthesiologynews.com

"However, their (escooters) growth and accessibility has been associated with a sharp uptick in deaths, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), internal organ injuries and extremity fractures. The speed of such devices—while certainly an attractive aspect of commuting—also can be deadly, partly related to danger to pedestrians and a lack of people wearing helmets and padding to protect their bodies. The silent nature of their electric motors also can be a danger to others, as drivers often weave in and out of traffic and sidewalks."

I do think tourism needs to look at the kinds of vehicles being rented to tourists giving them the impression that our roads are for joyriding

GodSpeed 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Seen many tourists riding around on 4-wheelers and scooters without helmets in congested traffic and unsafe conditions. I guess the people renting them the scooters don't care once they get some money but still an incredibly foolish thing do when you travel to a foreign country you're not familiar with.

DreamerX 4 months, 2 weeks ago

I believe the description isn't about what vehicles mentioned. But those small Bird type scooters.

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