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birdiestrachan 9 years, 2 months ago on Carnival aims for $50m

That is what Junkanoo Carnival is all about. Show casing our talented Bahamians, especially the young ones who many not have had the opportunity to display their talent. It is money well spent because it is spent on Bahamians. Let us celebrate our own. and lift them up and wish them all the best.

5 Vote

DonAnthony 9 years, 2 months ago on Carnival aims for $50m

This is fuzzy math on steroids, in his former life Mr. Major was manager of Bahamasair so he has a lot of experience with fuzzy math. He is living in an alternate reality where nothing has to be profitable ( bankrolled by the treasury) and losses are viewed as surpluses and it is all good once we say it is.

9 Vote

Islandgirl 9 years, 2 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

This woman is one big disgrace. No pretty or sophisticated diction can supersede the ugliness that she espouses and releases upon us. There have to be changes. Our country is not going to survive with this kind of 'justice', and I use that term very loosely, in play. There has to be a way to make the position of attorney general an elected one, a non-partisan one, not a position chosen by the governing party of the day. Just look at all the trash this fool has come up with and cloaks it in pretty, king sized words. All this victimization and rule by intimidation, straight out of the late 60's to the early 90's. My God. How does this woman even look at herself in the mirror or sleep well at night? I pray that people think before they vote in the next election, and that there is a coalition government instead brought about by people voting for the best qualified individual in a constituency and not the party. And when that takes place, a Commission of Inquiry with teeth should be held. Every one of these bastards should be prosecuted, jailed, and all the assets illegally accumulated during their time in power confiscated and contributed to promoting the betterment of this country. They destroyed it and they should pay for its rebuilding by not only setting an example through the loss of their freedom for those that would try to slick their way to wealth, but also by having them stripped of all their ill gotten gains. No reward for nasty and ugly behavior. We are so tired of them. The world has changed and they cannot hide any longer nor can they revise history like they have done repeatedly the last fifty years. Ring the bell.

6 Vote

Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 2 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

You are so right about Allyson Maynard-Gibson being an utter despicable disgrace. There is now an abundance of evidence, both fact and circumstantial, pointing to her abusive use of the Attorney General's Office to provide political cover for just about any illegal activity involving cabinet ministers and other senior officials of the PLP. To the extent senior officials within the AG's Office continue to remain silent about the abuses that have occurred, they too will be labelled as having fully participated in the abuses and eventually suffer pretty much the same consequences that will befall Maynard-Gibson down the road.

3 Vote

TruthHurts 9 years, 2 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray


Agreed!! I am soooo ready for change it hurts! If these jokers can't do right by us WE need to step up. Tired of the political mind games, while our people are starving in this country either from the lack of food, knowledge, proper education and A Dream! The only means to get ahead is to develop a 'black crab' mentality and I ain't down with that shytt!! Never have, never will!

7 Vote

ThisIsOurs 9 years, 2 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

What was the AG doing being interviewed on the carnival coverage? Saying how wonderful everything was. They seem to all be selling some really spiced up games and parties koolaid. I suppose they will all show up again today and sit on their high porch (/skybox) watching the slaves in the field enjoy their festival. No BAMSI, PHA, BEC power, NIB, VAT, Alfred Gray, BEC bribe, Bahamar, WSC, Renew Bahamas, BOB loans or NHI. All tears wiped away...

5 Vote

lkalikl 9 years, 2 months ago on AG's office will NOT pursue legal action against V Alfred Gray

Press release on Friday. Classic duck and run timing. This government is cowardly and pathetic and demonstrates nothing but contempt, time and time again, for the citizens of this country. Bahamian cirizens need to wake up and wake up fast. These dinosaur leaders are destroying the country and the rule of law and the country's citizens will pay a heavy price in the long run for its slack attitude and apathy. Venezuela doesn't happen over night. It takes time for the dictator to emerge, but when the people are lazy, ignorant, entitled, poorly informed and generally apathetic, that is precisely the soil in which the dictator's fruit can and will grow.

The Bahamas is on a slippery slope and the PLP become more and more dangerous everyday. There are at least five members of the governing party who should resign immediately, including the current AG, and they should have no future dealings with the public's funds or the public's trust, yet, our 'second chance' PM invites slackness, nonsense and corruption time and time again by doing nothing and failing to reprimand these people - for what - do they have something on him that prevents him from holding them accountable? There are MPs and cabinet members who should be prosecuted for negligence and/or outright corruption, yet nothing is done. There is absolutely no discipline in this culture of slackness and leadership cannot function without discipline. There is also no accountability and no responsibility. Meritocracy in a democracy is essential, yet, the 'who you know' culture of patron-client relations is all the dinosaur PLP know and that is why we are failing as a nation, time and time again. Deep down, we can all feel it. Deep down, we all know it. The country is slipping away and slowly degenerating and decaying. It's palpable.

If the citizens don't wake up soon, they will wake up in a country where the politicians don't even pretend to obey the rule of law. Right now, they still give it lip service while, in actuality, doing whatever they want. We are already on very dangerous ground and anyone with a brain better start fighting for what is right, because if they don't, they better pray they have a way out of this corrupt country. On the present trajectory, within 5 or 10 years, this country will be beyond redemption, if it isn't there already. So, go ahead, #jumpindaline and bury your head in the sand people, but don't say you weren't warned. Sunshine is needed. Transparency is needed. Accountability is needed. Bahamians, if you love your country, fight for your rights and demand change! No one is coming to save you and when our bad reputation becomes our reputation, tourism will contract faster than any of us can imagine. Cuba is opening, not soon, it is happening now! If we don't get our act together, our country will be in big trouble. Our leaders are dinosaurs and they live in lalaland. We are a critical moment in our history.

3 Vote

duppyVAT 9 years, 2 months ago on Defence Force boosted as largest class passes out

How many of these RBDF new marines are 100% Bahamian third/fourth generation????? We have too many Haitians on the Police and Defense Forces ................ that is why we have so many national security problems now ........... 100% pre-Independence Bahamian nationality should be a criteria for any marine

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TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago on Defence Force boosted as largest class passes out

So have they been trained in the proper procedure of assisting Haitians to enter the Bahamas?

The thing is this : Many Haitians cannot afford all the diesel necessary to travel from Haiti to Nassau. So the RBDF normally assists boats that are "captured" (LOL) in the southern islands - by providing a FREE TOWING SERVICE from there to our capital city of Nassau - where they receive a slap on the wrist, a finger wagging, and are then released into society with best wishes for success.

Cadets hopefully have been trained in the proper procedures of securing towing lines to sometimes rickety craft. More than one line is often necessary to distribute the towing pressure across the bow - else just one pressure point could actually rip through the semi-rotten wood.

Anyway - I'm sure they have been trained - and are now ready to work hard and be successful in the RBDF - also known as Fred's Free Haitian Towing Service - LOL.


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TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago on Mother denied antenatal care continues her legal fight against government

21 year old baby-making machine. Had a child at age 13. She should be ashamed to show her face in public, let alone file a lawsuit.

These people have only one goal - to become the majority race in the Bahamas - at any cost. Feeding their kids low quality food, as long as they are breathing they count as a person in their eyes.

Quality of life means nothing to them.

2 Vote

birdiestrachan 9 years, 2 months ago on Mother denied antenatal care continues her legal fight against government

The woman is having her fourth child, She has received free care four times, The health care system budget is being used up to much by her and it does not leave much for others who are sick. and she is still not satisfied she wants to sue. There are so many persons with serious medical conditions who are on waiting list. while she complains because her and her lawyer feels, no one matters but her. Smith should see to it that she gets a private doctor and a private room. she is a burden on the public purse.

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HarryWyckoff 9 years, 2 months ago on Zeleka Knowles does her part to end hunger in the Bahamas

Easiest way? Provide a reliable and cheap source of power, so that the poor aren't crippled by electricity costs.

Oh yeah, but then Frankie and his government cronies wouldn't be making millions of the backs of the poor.

Yeah, that won't happen.

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Honeybun 9 years, 4 months ago on Saying ‘I Do’ to the right melody

What a wonderful talent...very out of the box and interesting. Tribune, where can persons make contact?

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ThisIsOurs 8 years, 11 months ago on Bahamas stop for royal tour?

No joke, if this Bahamar debacle is sorted out and construction vetted, it would be nice...

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sansoucireader 8 years, 11 months ago on Bahamas stop for royal tour?

Are their in enough 'Royal Watchers' still in the Bahamas to warrant a visit? Must be more pre-election propaganda to get some people all excited. If they must come this way, send them to Abaco or Exuma, not New Providence.

3 Vote

Bahamianpride 8 years, 11 months ago on Bahamas stop for royal tour?

Colonial slave master, exact. Born into privilege, nothing fascinates me about these people they have not earned anything. I respect hard working people that have sacrificed to earn a position of respect and honor. Please don't obstruct traffic for these lazy people.