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Records broken at Red-Line Youth Track Classic

THE third edition of the Red-Line Youth Track Classic brought out multiple record-breaking performances this past weekend at the original Thomas A Robinson Stadium. Division Scores The Hurry Murray track club rounded up victories in three out of eight divisions at the two-day meet and last club meet for the season. They won the under-7 division with a total of 52 points. The host club was second with 39 points and Speed Capacity Maximised finished third at 34 points.

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Bahamas Independence signatory and former MP Loftus Roker dead at 88

LOFTUS Roker, an Acklins native whose tough approach to illegal immigration and drug trafficking made him a defining political figure in his era, died yesterday at 88.

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'Social warrior and source of moral clarity' - Former National Security and Immigration minister Loftus Roker dies at 88

Former Minister of National Security and Immigration, and one of the signatories to The Bahamas Constitution, A. Loftus Roker has died.

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