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Eleuthera Chamber of Commerce concerned over reliable electricity and water supply

AS dignitaries descended on Eleuthera for the opening ceremony of Disney Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point, the island’s Chamber of Commerce president, Thomas Sands, said businesses are continuously facing challenges from unreliable electricity and water services.

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PM hails Disney’s Lookout Cay as ‘monumental’ for Eleuthera

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis hailed yesterday’s official opening of Disney’s Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Cay in Eleuthera as a monumental achievement for that island’s tourism industry.

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Gibson’s cousin claims he owned Elite Maintenance

THE cousin of Adrian Gibson claimed on Thursday that the Long Island MP owned Elite Maintenance Incorporated, a company that was allegedly awarded Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) contracts when he was executive chairman.

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