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Auto H & L borrowers hit by excess interest

Several thousand Bahamians may have been over-charged interest on loans issued by one of this nation’s largest used car dealers, it was revealed yesterday.


Blackbeard's Cay Dolphin Rescue

Five dolphins were rescued from Blackbeard's Cay/Balmoral Island between May 9 and 10.


Annoyed by lawless motorcyclists

THE quiet of Sunday evening out west was broken for hours by the wheeling hoard of 10-15 motorcyclists doing their thing on West Bay…right across each side of the street.


BPL must stay under URCA

Take the already high electricity rates out of the supervision of URCA means one single fact … the Davis-Cooper Government does not want to be re-elected … this is suicide for them and a catastrophe for the consumers.


Stellar PLP has still more to do

THE iconic Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) will celebrate its half way mark back in elective office within a few short months.