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Govt needs to show integrity

Truth is knowledge, which is the reflection of what things are. Truth is not judgmental, but factual. Integrity is telling yourself the truth and then honesty is telling the truth to other people.

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Multiple fiscal failures found in Bahamas Jubilee games audit

UNAUTHORISED vehicle purchases and salary increases, misuse of petty cash, and a failure to pay National Insurance Board (NIB) contributions are some of the fiscal shortcomings highlighted in the Office of the Auditor General’s examination of last year’s Bahamas Jubilee Games.

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Rained off? Burna Boy postponed

PROMOTERS of a concert starring Burna Boy announced the event’s postponement yesterday, citing inclement weather.


Bahamian understudy was ‘always’ work permit policy

The head of the Government’s newly-appointed Immigration Commission yesterday said it has always been policy for employers to identify a Bahamian understudy when applying for work permits.

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PROSECUTORS KEY TO DEATH PENALTY: Dame Anita Allen speaks on bail and executions

FORMER Court of Appeal president Dame Anita Allen said prosecutors should be more aggressive in seeking the death penalty in appropriate murder cases.

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Former minister: Intervention could have been unlawful

FORMER Immigration Minister Elsworth Johnson said the Immigration Act and accompanying regulations give ministers limited freedom to interfere in the administrative and operational affairs of the Department of Immigration.


EDITORIAL: Review welcome, but Bell absent

IT SEEMS almost inconceivable that Keith Bell will keep his job after yesterday’s developments in the ongoing row over issues at immigration.

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CRACKDOWN: More intrusive policing coming, anti-gang laws are promised, more CCTV and increased patrols

PRIME Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said more intrusive policing is coming in response to the rising murder rate.

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Court quashes gun sentence of 81-year-old grandmother

THE Court of Appeal ordered the release of an 81-year-old great-grandmother yesterday, citing her age and medical condition while releasing her from a one-year prison sentence.


‘Things are good’ is fake news

This is a letter to the editor of both The Guardian and The Tribune, our major Bahamian newspapers. Recently, we have heard the widespread accusations of Fake News against the major global news organisations, such as Fox News. Fox just lost a major court case, ordered to pay over $787,000,000 in damages for their sins.


The death penalty not happening

My fellow Bahamians, many of you are clamouring for the use of the death penalty as you’re aghast at the proliferation of crime, senseless murders being committed on our streets.

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‘CANNABIS DRAFT BILL INADEQUATE’: Rastafarian community dissatisfied with location limit for religious use

THE Rastafarian community is not satisfied with the Davis administration’s proposal for legalising cannabis for religious purposes, calling the draft bills inadequate.

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DEREK SMITH: Combine AI with human expertise on compliance

Regulatory compliance is undoubtedly a key component of trust between institutions and consumers in the financial services industry. Thus an important question facing corporate governance professionals in the era of fintech (financial technology) innovation is whether to invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) for compliance or rely on the traditional expertise of risk and compliance professionals.


Bahamians using renewables ‘without understanding’ them

Bahamians are using key components of renewable energy technology “without understanding where or when or how” it impacts their lives, regulators are asserting.


Arawak port beats profit target by 18%

Nassau’s main commercial shipping port yesterday revealed it beat its full-year profits target for 2023 by some 17.7 percent or more than $1.4m compared to original forecasts.


Ministry of Labour & Immigration responds to questions raised by Leader of Opposition

Press Statement from the Ministry of Labour & Immigration on the Detailed Clarification on Questions Raised by the Leader of the Opposition on Immigration Matters:

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Mom weeps as photos of Ronald Mackey were shown at coroner’s inquest

THE inquest into the 2017 police-involved shooting of Ronald Mackey began yesterday, with officers testifying that the 28-year-old fled the scene of an accident and was shot in the back of his head during a car chase.

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Inquest into fatal shooting of two men by police begins

THE families of two men killed in a fatal 2017 police chase on Tonique William Darling Highway were asked to leave the courtroom yesterday as close-ups of one of the men’s blood-stained corpse lying on the sidewalk was shown after the inquest into the matter began.


EDITORIAL: Bail change sounds good, but what will it really mean?

IT all sounded very powerful and purposeful – no more bail for those who commit offences while out on bail already.

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Boy says unarmed dad was shot in the back by police

AN 11-year-old boy who saw police kill his father testified during an inquest in the Coroner’s Court yesterday.