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Grocer charged with failure to display breadbasket retail prices

A MAN was charged on Friday with failing to display the retail prices for breadbasket items at his supermarket last August.


Opposition: Pay for VAT food relief via higher property rate

The Opposition’s finance spokesman yesterday urged the Government to reintroduce 12 percent VAT on high-value property purchases to finance his call for expanded tax relief on foods.


Social spending better than price controls on living cost

The Government’s former top financial official yesterday argued that increased social spending would better help Bahamians struggling with the cost of living crisis than the imposition of price controls.


Focus on cost of living issues

LET me state from the outset that I am a dyed-in-the-wool capitalist. I do not subscribe to the malevolent Marxist school of thought which is diametrically opposed to the Judeo-Christian worldview.

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Bishop Boyd backs efforts to criminalise marital rape

BISHOP Laish Boyd backed efforts to criminalise marital rape last night during the 120th Session of the Synod of The Diocese of The Bahamas and The Turks and Caicos Islands.


PLP must act over living cost

As the member of Parliament for Killarney, I have heard repeatedly from constituents as to how hard it is to make ends meet due to the high cost of living. The price of food is high. Gas prices are high. The cost of electricity is sky-high.

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Passenger tax tabled in House ‘had date error’

DEPUTY Prime Minister Chester Cooper said the Passenger Tax bill tabled in the House of Assembly last month had an error that did not accurately reveal the date passenger tax increases would take effect.

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Thompson calls on Davis administration to stop raising taxes on Bahamians

EAST Grand Bahama MP Kwasi Thompson wants the Davis administration to stop raising taxes and fees on Bahamians, saying this would help the country fight inflation.


Shame on govt - $350 not enough

I have a tremendous amount of respect and regard for the Honourable Pia Glover Rolle, Member of the Cabinet of The Bahamas. Nevertheless, I feel it necessary to cry shame upon her suggestion that a minimum of $350 per week for people in The Bahamas would be “a little reckless”.


Opposition chief calls for renewed living cost focus

The Opposition’s leader yesterday urged the Government to provide additional relief to Bahamians suffering from the post-COVID cost of living crisis.


Remove VAT from healthy food

The PLP government must act immediately and remove VAT from all essential healthy food items. This PLP Government must move beyond just talk and follow the example of Governments all over the world who have taken definitive action to combat high food prices and the inflation crisis by removing VAT from essential healthy food.

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INGRAHAM: WE HAD TOO MANY SEATS – Former PM calls for balance and warns of risk of large majorities

FORMER Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham decried the large parliamentary majorities Bahamians have granted governing parties in recent elections while encouraging Bimini residents to vote for the Free National Movement in this week’s West Grand Bahama and Bimini by-election.


The middle class under pressure

Much has been made of Prime Minister Philip Brave Davis’ recent trip to Uganda in which he took part in the Non-Aligned Movement Summit. It was probably a representative for the Davis camp who took photos of him feeding chimpanzees while in Uganda, apparently not realising the backlash it would cause.


PLP is not doing enough for the people

The governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) has another chance to act in the best interest of the Bahamian people when Parliament returns on October 4. They have not done enough to improve Bahamian lives since being elected to office two years ago.

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Chamber chief: Cost of living ‘is out of control’

Abaco’s Chamber of Commerce president says the cost of living is “getting out of control” as she warned the island can absorb no further hikes following the summer’s “exorbitant” light bills.

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Inflation’s high but ‘not as frightening’

Inflation “may not be as frightening as it was a year to 18 months ago”, a governance reformer argued yesterday, despite food and beverage costs rising by almost 13 percent during the year to April 2023.

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Boat registration hikes ‘life and death matter’

The Opposition’s finance spokesman yesterday blasted the “cruel” magnitude of the boat registration fee hikes which he branded “a matter of life and death” for his constituency’s subsistence fishermen.