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Letter from Christian Council to Dr. Nottage

On behalf of the Bahamas Christian Council and the Save Our Bahamas Vote No Campaign Committee, I hereby write to register our objection to the wording of the web shop gambling question.


Junkanoo Carnival

EDITOR, The Tribune.

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Cash questions Lamm 'reward' for PLP service

FNM chairman Darron Cash is questioning whether convicted drug offender Carlos Lamm was “wonderfully rewarded” for his campaign services to the PLP with “lucrative contracts” allegedly granted to him by the government.


Was question changed?

I am seeking verification of a statement made by the government/prime minister in response to the Bahamas Christian Council’s questioning the action taken to alter Question No 1 prior to its publication without the courtesy of notifying the Council of the change…


EDITORIAL: Questions should be answered - by all governments

THERE was no shortage of drama – and theatrics – in the House of Assembly yesterday.

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FNMs vote against taking opposition questions

FREE National Movement MPs voted against answering questions from members of the opposition in the House of Assembly yesterday, choosing instead to move forward with their own agenda.

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The clock's ticking on referendum question

When the government postponed the gambling referendum, originally proposed for December 3, it bought itself time to put the legal structure in place to conduct a consultative referendum, to properly educate the Bahamian public on the issues and the questions which would be the subject of the referendum.

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10.10pm - VOTERS in the gambling referendum have overwhelmingly rejected the legalisation of web shops and the establishment of a national lottery.


Press secretary says Wilchcombe will address the FNM’s questions when the House reconvenes

AFTER Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard said he would summon senior civil servants before the Public Accounts Committee, press secretary Clint Watson said yesterday parliamentarians will deal with the matter if it arises.

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Minnis: No contact from government on referendum

OPPOSITION leader Dr Hubert Minnis criticised the government for continuing to delay releasing the questions and date for the upcoming constitutional referendum.



POLICE are questioning four men between the ages of 25 and 29 in connection with a murder in Balls Alley over the weekend. The incident occurred around 2am on Saturday. The victim was shot in the stomach. The men being questioned were taken into custody o


Royal Caribbean chief: ‘I wish we’d answered on environment sooner’

Royal Caribbean is aiming “in the next couple of weeks” to answer the 120 questions sparked by its Paradise Island project’s initial environmental consultation, with a senior executive yesterday saying: “I wish we’d replied sooner.”


Independent audit or a witch hunt is now the question

IS THE government-ordered forensic audit of National Insurance an independent audit or a witch hunt?

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Lightbourn: Govt refusing to answer questions about national issues

MONTAGU MP Richard Lightbourn has expressed his “total frustration” in the lack of response by the Christie administration to over 200 questions about national issues read and tabled in the House of Assembly by the Official Opposition dating back to 2012.

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Gambling referendum questions revealed

THE TWO questions for the January 28th gambling referendum that will decide the future of gambling in the Bahamas were revealed last night by National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage.


Phillippa ‘Lady’ Russell questioned by police

FORMER ZNS Radio talkshow host Phillippa ‘Lady’ Russell was taken in for questioning by officers of the police’s Commercial Crimes Division yesterday morning.


MARKETING REVOLUTION: Business is more than the money

There are several bad reasons to enter business. One of the worst is just to make money.

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Dion Foulkes: Why I'm voting yes to national lottery

FREE National Movement veteran Dion Foulkes has announced that despite his own party’s concerns, he will vote “yes” on the national lottery referendum question.

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Christian Council objects to question

THE Bahamas Christian Council and the Save Our Bahamas Vote No Campaign have sent a letter to Minister of National Security Bernard Nottage objecting to the wording of the web shop gambling question.

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PM: Cabinet to hear questions for gambling vote

PRIME Minister Perry Christie announced yesterday that the gambling referendum question(s) will be presented to his cabinet for approval before a meeting with proponents and opposers of gambling takes place.