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WORLD VIEW: Lessons from India’s partition and Charlottesville’s strife

ON August 14 and 15, Pakistan and India, respectively, celebrated the 70th anniversary of their Independence from Britain, a country whose policies, as an occupier, fomented - and then bequeathed to them - the hostile communalism that led to their partition and their continuing antagonism. Religious dissimilarity, as Muslim and Hindu, proved more defining and more divisive than common ethnicity, common culture, common foods and shared history.


Why we should remember the psalm 'By the Rivers of Babylon'

(THE CONVERSATION) – On the anniversary of America’s independence, the abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass made a biblical Psalm – Psalm 137 – best known for its opening line, “By the Rivers of Babylon,” a centrepiece of his most famous speech, “W

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Violence, disempowerment and inequality

We have witnessed yet another act of awful violence against women captured on camera and then posted to social media without so much as a thought for what this says about the society we live in.

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Govt insists it took right decision over Baha Mar

A DAY after former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham called the Christie administration’s push to have Baha Mar liquidated a bad move, the government hit back saying provisional liquidation “was the only sensible option available”.

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A YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: The culture of criminality that pervades our nation

THERE is a culture of criminality that is alive and well and pervasive in The Bahamas. It transcends the fabric of our nation.


We are moving ahead

Last week was historical in the Bahamas. Parliament voted on creating a more equitable Constitution that allows women and men to pass on their citizenship equally.

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INSIGHT: Good hair, bad principles

THE Principal’s office isn’t simply for guidance and discipline anymore. In one Nassau school, for one female student, the principal became the beautician and the beast, stirring up much ire after she suggested that the young’s girl’s hair, in its natural state seemed “unkempt”.

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#Support the Puff

In a country where women make up over 50 per cent of the population, where women are the primary breadwinners in many households, where more women than men graduate from high school and college – the latter at an astounding 8:2 ratio on the extremely conservative side – women are amazingly silent.

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INSIGHT: Obama fails to see the clear and present danger

Britain is taking a lead in the fight against terrorism while America’s president refuses to denounce the radical Islamic threat, says Peter Young.


Don’t trivialise the issue of rape

I have been struggling with the weekly column Politicole since it became a part of The Tribune. Given the name of the column, I thought there was a slight chance that readers would get thoughtful, challenging views on the political state of the country. Wrong.

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YOUNG MAN'S VIEW: PLP misplaces its belief in Bahamians

LET’S be frank and honest and agree that, by all signs and indications, the governing Progressive Liberal Party has swung into campaign mode in anticipation of the 2017 general election.

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A LIFE OF CRIME - Jealousy and envy: The terrible twin forces destroying relationships

JEALOUSY and envy – two emotions that could be described as the toxic renewable energy that fuels much of the negative behaviour that is both running and ruining the Bahamas.


Selling to China

SINCE we are supposedly hoping to unload BEC, B’Air and beautiful downtown Nassau onto our Chinese comrades, why not also hand over the RBPF in this fire sale?


It's not all murder

THE status quo is an important aspect of a society. It makes people feel safe.


'Merits' of GB Chamber's M.O.U proposal questioned

The Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation’s (BCCEC() outgoing chairman has questioned the “unclear merits” of creating a separate body to co-ordinate activities between all Chambers, as he moved to “reconcile” differences with his Grand Bahama counterparts.


GB 'breaks ranks' on Chambers deal

The Grand Bahamas Chamber of Commerce will today ‘break ranks’ with its fellow bodies and decline to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) designed to foster greater co-operation between all Chambers in the Bahamas.

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The Bible and LGBT rights

THE discussion between popular preacher Dr Myles Munroe and Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell has been an interesting one. Interesting only because it is fascinating watching someone with a bigoted position attempt to maintain their civility while still holding fast to their bigotry.

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VIDEO: Will YEAST rise again?

THERE are very few people in Bahamas today who know more or even as much about the efforts to retrain and re-socialise the nation’s youth than Jeffrey Lloyd.


TOUGH CALL: Exploring the history of our ancient Bahamas

ON Facebook recently, someone posted an early map of the Bahama Islands with a few references to Lucayan place names, which generated a lot of interest. In response I posted a map with all the surviving Lucayan names (and their translations).


WORLD VIEW: Not a Caribbean man?

TENSION is developing toward the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM) from some quarters in Jamaica. This was exemplified by a column in the Jamaica Gleaner newspaper written by an Immigration Attorney, Mr Ronald Mason.