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Live a Fulfilling Life: Mind Silence

Some people think that the mind is the brain, but it is not.

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Live a Fulfilling Life: Creating habits that stick

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” These words from Aristotle are a reminder that success doesn’t come overnight. It is a discipline that, with time, takes you from where you are to where you want to go.

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Cancer victim’s Christmas wish is to come home to die

THE family of Monique Woods, a 43-year-old Bahamian left bedridden by cancer in a Chicago area hospital, is seeking the public’s assistance in raising $20,000 to airlift her back to Nassau, allowing her to die “at home surrounded by those she loves.”

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The stories we tell ourselves

The causes of troubled relationships are created from the stories we tell ourselves. We experience a troublesome event, have an emotional response, and then create a story to explain it or alleviate our pain. Over time we repeat the story until it becomes a script we follow.

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Living a Fulfilling Life: Six tips to banish cellulite

Cellulite is one of those things that either you accept is a beautiful part of the human body or you dislike it and do all you can to banish it. Here are a few things I’ve learned about cellulite and effective ways to reduce its appearance.

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LIVING A FULFILLING LIFE: Tips for a healthier Thanksgiving

AS A Bahamian, I didn’t really grow up with Thanksgiving celebrations but now that my circle of adopted family and friends has grown, this American celebration is now a regular yearly occurrence.

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Live a fulfilling life: Processing grief and healing your heart

Loss of financial security, death of a loved one, the ending of a relationship, going away to school, displacement due to a natural disaster, miscarriage, perception of failed leadership, abuse – all of these are situations that you may not fully realise impact your well-being.

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Live a fulfilling life: Should you stop eating red meat?

Should you reduce your intake of beef, lamb, bacon and sausage? According to a new study, the answer is...maybe.

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself: Recovery after surgery and illness

While you are recovering from illness, your body is working extra hard to repair and rebuild itself.

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HEALTH, WHOLE AND HOLY: Even if you eat a burger, you’re still on track

You are trying to eat well – salads, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, protein, minimally processed foods and complex carbohydrates.

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself: Health – whole and holy:

How do you define health? Is it a measure of your physique or absence of disease?

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself: Positive thinking and medication

According to, it is “a remarkable phenomenon in which a placebo – a fake treatment, an inactive substance like sugar, distilled water, or saline solution – can sometimes improve a patient’s condition simply because the person has the expectation that it will be helpful. The more a person believes they are going to benefit from a treatment, the more likely it is that they will experience a benefit.”


At the end of your comfort zone

Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself

A friend of mine gave me a sticker the other day which said “Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone”, and it reminded me how powerful this one statement is.


The war zone of the colon

IT is the filth in our system that kills us. Unless you clean out your bowels you will never reach vibrant health.

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Become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself

What does colour have to do with your diet? Our affinity for all that is quick, cheap and convenient is directing many to the cracker, cereal and cookie aisles, leading to a nutrient impaired, high-fat and highly processed “beige diet”. We eat primarily based on time or money constraints – we want convenient, low cost and tasty.

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NAUGHTY'S PICKS: Let’s hit the road for starters with Steelers and Colts

FIRST let me open by saying thank you Jesus, King of Endless Glory, who reigns in Heaven, for allowing me to see another NFL season, and for positioning ‘our’ Dallas Cowboys (Yes, God is a Cowboy, thus the retractable roof in the stadium, we leave it open so God can watch His team, the Cowboys, play) on the threshold of another Lombardi Trophy!

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Portion distortion – Start losing weight

FOOD and drink portions have increased dramatically since the 1980s. Even recipes list larger serving sizes than ever before. In a 1960s’ version of “The Joy of Cooking,” a brownie recipe served 30. Now the exact same recipe serves only 16!


Six Bahamian student athletes earn berths to NCAA Outdoors

SIX Bahamian student athletes earned berths to the NCAA Outdoor Track and Field Championships with their performances at respective regional preliminaries this weekend.


MARKETING REVOLUTION: Establishing your company's domain

Most people understand that a ‘Domain Name’ is simply the basic web address of a website, but few actually grasp how domain names work.


Chamber revives Business awards

After a one-year hiatus, the Grand Bahama Chamber of Commerce (GBCC) has announced the return of the Business Excellence Recognition Awards.