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Fredrick King and Bluejays sweep Summer of Thunder

Bahamian Fredrick King and his Creighton Bluejays men’s basketball team have completed their mission here with a three-game sweep of their matches played this week in the Bahamas Basketball Federation’s Summer of Thunder.

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Cable urges industry unity on URCA ‘budget travesty’

CABLE Bahamas is urging its rivals to join the battle against “this travesty in budget increases” for the sector’s regulator whose downtown Nassau headquarters it branded an “albatross”.

Total visitor arrivals up 30% though stopovers still trail

The Ministry of Tourism's top official yesterday said total visitor arrivals to The Bahamas are 30 percent ahead of their pre-COVID record through to end-July although stopover visitors are still trailing slightly.

Bahamas ‘prioritises’ debt servicing over its people

The Bahamas has reached a point where the Government is prioritising interest payments on its $11.645bn national over services to its people, an investment analyst argued yesterday.

GB students participate in summit to prepare them for the real world

ABOUT 80 high school students participated in ‘The Platform’, a summit for young professionals in Grand Bahama that prepares seniors for the real world.

FTX Bahamas properties must fetch ‘80% of value’

All sales of FTX’s 35 high-end Bahamas properties must fetch a price that is “equal to or greater than 80 percent” of their broker-appraised values, it has been revealed.

BGDBA Playoffs: Cybots advance to next round, Patrollers tie series 1-1

The Bain and Grants Town Cybots booked their tickets to round two of the Bahamas Government Departmental Basketball Association (BGDBA) playoffs on Monday night after sweeping the Police Royals 2-0.

Club Med: Over 75% of workforce returns

Club Med's general manager yesterday revealed that more than 75 percent of the resort's staff have returned to work at the property despite its near three-year shutdown due to COVID-19.

Gov't to 'unleash' $200m Water Corp investments

An MP yesterday said the Davis administration is poised to "unleash" the most ambitious capital investment initiative ever by the Water & Sewerage Corporation with $200m earmarked for 80 projects over a five-year period.

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Sears says newly launched Traffic Management Centre first phase to cost $1.8m

THE Ministry of Works and Utilities launched the first phase of its Traffic Management Centre yesterday.

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Michael Pintard appealing for help to find missing Grand Bahama man

FREE National Movement leader Michael Pintard is appealing for help finding Philip “Big Mama” Stubbs, who has been missing for almost a week.

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Governor trims growth forecast ‘closer to 4%’

The Bahamas’ stopover visitor numbers rebounded to 97 percent of pre-COVID levels in the 2023 first quarter, the Central Bank’s governor said yesterday, while slightly trimming his full-year economic growth forecast.

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Security guard charged for possession of ammunition

A SECURITY officer was granted bail after he was accused of having almost 100 rounds of rifle ammunition in his home last weekend.

40 to 80 percent 'show no symptoms of dengue'

ABOUT 40 to 80 percent of people show no symptoms of dengue, with most of the recently confirmed 100 cases confined to the inner city in New Providence, according to officials from the Ministry of Health and Wellness on Friday.

Promotion Board president urges 30% stopover focus

The Bahamas Out Island Promotions Board president yesterday urged the nation to near-double the proportion of stopover visitors that make up its tourism base to 30 percent.

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Vendors exceed expectations at Royal Caribbean workshop

Royal Caribbean yesterday said the first Royal Beach Club workshop for potential Bahamian food and beverage, retail and artisan partners exceeded expectations by attracting around 70-80 attendees.

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PI resort proposal expands units 46%

The former Paradise Harbour Club’s proposed redevelopment is being expanded to a seven-storey hotel featuring a 46 percent increase in units compared to earlier plans.

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BDOCS 2022 annual report tabled in House

THE Bahamas Department of Correctional Services’ Internal Affairs Unit investigated 56 reports of alleged misconduct involving prison officers in 2022, with disciplinary action happening in nearly 80 per cent of the matters reported.

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Investigation into missing funds nears completion

DEPUTY Police Commissioner Leamond Deleveaux said police are 80 per cent complete with their investigation into funds allegedly misused during the small home repairs programme under the Minnis administration.

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Contaminated oil a new blow to Andros power

A CONTAMINATED supply of fuel led to a new shutdown of a power unit in Andros as restoration efforts continued following the fire that severely damaged BPL’s North Andros Power Station last week.