Government seems brain dead

EDITOR, The Tribune.

BP&L…receivables of at least $91.6million unsure if that includes what Government owes them, which usually is in excess of $30 million so BP&L are owed a whopping $115 million!

The info Minister Bannister tabled raises an issue – since the legalising of Gaming and the massive proliferation of gaming across Nassau has BP&L seen an increase in delinquency in settlement of BPL bills? Can they track that payments have gotten worse since the Web Shops opened? Tracking Constituency: Constituency would be interesting.

Everyone knew there would be consequences as a result of the Christie reversal of the Referendum unfortunately the “no” campaign did not take the decision to the Supreme Court to find if the Christie Government had acted totally illegally we, yes We as the People, suffer for we are tempted so much to try to get that big win and leave essentials, such as your BPL monthly bills unpaid. So blame who?

Placing solar panels on Government buildings will put BPL with worse financial problems — who will compensate them for the loss of revenue? Well, Government rarely pays, so that might not be an issue.

Is this Government brain dead of conceptual ideas to solve our problems?



November 30, 2018.


sheeprunner12 5 years, 7 months ago

Not brain dead ........... But politically compromised, for sure.

joeblow 5 years, 7 months ago

Many good ideas have been floated, but those who make the final decisions do not do so in the national interest, that's for sure!

stillwaters 5 years, 7 months ago

I have a feeling that making decisions at governmental levels is not as easy a job as we think. All the surrounding factors and legal determinations probably derail any sensible decision.

DDK 5 years, 7 months ago

You are probably right, but great improvement is a critical need, none the less.

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