No decision on Columbus statue

THE SHATTERED Columbus statue at Government House.

THE SHATTERED Columbus statue at Government House.


Tribune Senior Reporter


PRESS secretary Clint Watson said the Davis administration has not decided what to do about the Christopher Columbus statue at Government House which was defaced last year.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis had said Cabinet will decide what will happen to the statue, the presence of which has been condemned because of Columbus’ legacy of murder and slavery.

Although a man is on trial for damaging the statue with a sledgehammer last year, nothing has been heard about the government’s plans since the act occurred five months ago.

“What I do know is that Prime Minister Davis is really big on consultation with his colleagues and so even if there is a position that he personally shares, it does not bear the end reward if his Cabinet colleagues differ and that’s why he wants to carry it to them to see what the general consensus is on that and so I’m sure whatever his personal views are, whatever Cabinet decides will stand in the end,” Mr Watson said.

Asked if addressing the issue is important to the administration, Mr Watson said other issues have been prioritised to date.

In 2020, Mr Davis’ Director of Communications Latrae Rahming joined a group of people who called for the Columbus statue to be removed from Government House. Reverend Sebastian Campbell was among those who urged the public to march to force the removal of the statue.

Mr Rahming said at the time he was in talks with parliamentarians who were prepared to table a petition calling for the statue’s removal in Parliament.

“If we aren’t successful (at getting the document tabled), we would’ve done one thing, at least have a conversation as to who we are and where we are so this petition has sparked a vigorous debate as to who we are and it also sheds light on the history of Christopher Columbus,” he said.

He added that while the statue should be removed, it should not be destroyed.

“I leave it in the hands of the historians and government officials to find what is the rightful place of Columbus,” he said.


TalRussell 2 years, 6 months ago

Want some real comedy relief?
Colony's often went broke after hosting royal visits. ... hospitals, government buildings and sports centers were erected,—and renamed after costly renovations, roads paved, docks repaired, lighthouses given facelifts.
Even we Colony of Out Islands general hospital got renamed to Duh Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) in honour of the visit of the Prince Andrews's auntie and Queen of England’s sister, Princess Margaret in 1955....yet there stands Spanish Comrade Cristoforo Colombo, left hobbles after he foot got chopped off whilst the premier Davis administration is too busy preparing to spend millions to host yet another Royal Visitor, duh aunties nephew...yet no time to hire a foot repair mason at cost cant's more than a couple Blue Marlins banknotes.
Comrades, likes I's keep saying, I's not just making this crazy stuff up that went tourist snap pictures Spanish Comrade Cristoforo Colombo we benefit financially unlkes hefty unpaid bills left behind at PMH,― Yes?

Baha10 2 years, 6 months ago

Repair Columbus … leave History alone … including Statue of Pindling at Airport … History is just that “history” (good & bad) … learn from it!

TalRussell 2 years, 6 months ago

I am not one be anti of we Colony of islands British history but the same crowd who support more than just foots Spanish Comrade Cristoforo Colombo being chopped off but still enjoy their British heritage's, whilst injoining as a party to approve, indorse, sanction a law suit for British slavery reparations. ― Now, try explaining that to your adult suffrage logic, ― Yes?

GodSpeed 2 years, 6 months ago

destroying the statue isn't going to change the past.

bahamianson 2 years, 6 months ago

How long has it been , and you still have not decided. How can you be a.government and cannot d3 ide on matters? You are.supposed to be able to walk and chew.gum at the same time. Get those ministers whom are being paid to do some work.

Proguing 2 years, 6 months ago

Let's replace it with Blackbeard, at least he is more representative of our past...

realfreethinker 2 years, 6 months ago

Blackbeard is a representative of our current government

tribanon 2 years, 6 months ago

Shortly after the destructive attack on the white statue of Columbus, Davis was overheard saying to a few of his close friends that perhaps it should be replaced with a black statue of SLOP as the founding father of our independent nation.

in addition to ordering a generous supply of Prince William's favourite Iranian white caviar from the Caspian Sea, Fweddy Boy Mitchell no doubt ordered that the damage Columbus statue be totally draped so as not to be visible to the Royal couple during their visit.

TalRussell 2 years, 6 months ago

There's the enemy lurkin' behind every bush you encounter!
Youse tell me how safe are you PopoulacsCommeners' after those with full around the clock protective security like a deputy premier's residence was invaded by thugs whilst occupied by 'em and family, Duh Royal Colony's Defense Force Garrison (RBDFG) was overpowered at gates Government House, and Papa Hubert, had run from protesters against sale BTC to seek the security protecting his BENZ parked around corner, and premier Perry Gladstone's wife got spat at.
And now duh Spaniard, Comrade Cristoforo Colombo's reconstructive double amputation reattachment surgery of em's limbs which has now been pushed back three times by PMH's Master Mason.
Duh currently underway incident** has the US Embassy relocating away from duh Chinese just across duh street.
What about then Opposition Leader/Mortician Sister Loretta Butler-Turner who wrote scorching letter to Commish of Policeman's, accusing him not taking threats against her life, seriously?
Wait there's that former premier threatening to turn 'emself into a duh House of Assembly's thug to go bust-up premier's ass?
And, no, nay a single above thing is an made up untruth, ― Yes

mandela 2 years, 6 months ago

Please be sure to show the visiting royals what we think about these things, then remove him and store him in a museum.

TalRussell 2 years, 6 months ago

Sorry Comrade Mandela to disappoint your high expectations as royals watcher set Duh Duke and Duchess of Cambridge scheduled royal visit we colony of 1200 out islands, cays, settlements and towns, may be in works be cut altogether, ― Yes?

truetruebahamian 2 years, 6 months ago

I think that repairing the statue and leaving it where it is is the best answer. A plaque can be attached to the side of its base with an explanation of what happened in its defacement and the nistaken reasin why. Bahamians who like to remain tied by the umbilical cord to fantasy and modern day judgements are not going to the libraries or museums which offer much real history and the way things were at those times - and there way things were are exactly that. Read and understand, as popular current attitudes and revisionist thinking are just a part of useless cancel culture so prevalent today, being as that way of thinking had no value. It is short sighted and stupid. The Bahamas andreal Bahamians have been around centuries before 1967.

bahamianson 2 years, 6 months ago

As the Prince and his wife what to do.

Emilio26 2 years, 6 months ago

Even though there is a lot of backlash from younger generation bahamians as it relates to the statue however I feel like the government should repair the damage and leave it in place for the purpose for tourist attraction.

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